The absence of in-person interaction in the world of online education frequently causes students to feel disengaged. Without a teacher’s physical presence, students might feel alone and disinterested in their studies, which can diminish their motivation and likelihood of success. Different techniques can be put into place to boost teacher presence in online courses, to make the learning environments more encouraging and interesting.
What is Teacher Presence in Online Courses?
The level of participation by teachers in the online learning process is called teacher presence. This includes any interactions with students, the frequency and promptness of provided feedback, and availability to students for guidance and assistance (Garrison et al., 2010). This type of presence fosters a sense of belonging and community among students, which can have a significant impact on student achievement within online courses.
Why is Teacher Presence Important in Online Courses?
Students may find it difficult to learn online because it demands a lot of self-motivation and self-control. Without a teacher’s tutelage, students may find it difficult to stay on task with their academic work. The absence of in-person interaction in online education can cause students to feel disengaged (Shea et al., 2006). In fact, Li et al. (2013) have revealed that one of the main causes of online course dropout is a lack of teacher interaction.
Teachers who are present in online courses can offer students helpful support and direction. This can involve responding to inquiries and giving comments on assignments, which could provide inspiration and increase drive. This helps students stay motivated and engaged (Lowenthal et al., 2017). Teachers who are active participants in the online learning process can create a more encouraging and collaborative learning environment to boost student success and engagement.
Strategies for Adding Teacher Presence to Your Online Course
There are many strategies that teachers can use to increase teacher presence in online courses. Here are a few ideas:
- Use Video Introductions. Using video introductions is one of the simplest ways to improve teacher presence in an online course. This could include an introductory video at the start of the course, with ongoing video updates throughout the term. Students would see and hear their teachers via video introductions, which could help to forge a more personal connection and boost engagement.
- Provide Timely Feedback. Building teacher presence in online courses requires timely feedback on assignments and assessments. Students feel supported and aware that their effort is being observed and appreciated. Feedback can also aid students in enhancing their performance and developing a stronger sense of engagement with their academic work.
- Use Discussion Forums. Increased teacher presence in online courses can also be achieved through discussion forums. Teachers can foster a more collaborative learning environment that promotes student engagement and achievement. This can be accomplished through actively participating in conversations and providing feedback and direction. Discussion boards also give teachers the chance to address frequent misunderstandings and clarify course material.
- Hold Virtual Office Hours. Another efficient strategy to boost teacher presence is to offer virtual office hours. Teachers can make the learning environment more accessible and supportive by setting up specific periods for students to ask questions and obtain assistance. Virtual office hours can also promote a sense of belonging and community among students.
- Provide Personalized Feedback. Finally, providing customized feedback that is personal to the student can add teacher presence. Addressing a student by name and providing detailed feedback on their work can help teachers develop a more personal connection. This can also help students feel appreciated and encouraged.
Teacher presence may foster a more collaborative and supportive learning environment. One that promotes student success through video introductions, timely feedback, discussion forums, virtual office hours, and personalized feedback. Teachers that are actively involved in the online learning process can motivate students to be successful by making them feel connected, encouraged, and supported.
Adding teacher presence to online courses is an essential part of fostering student interest and success. Interested in adding more of a presence into an online course, let us know. The SCSU Online and Distance Learning team can provide guidance and tools to get you on the right track. Reach out to us via email or through Bookings.
Additional Reading:
For more information on the Community of Inquiry Model, check out this previous blog post.
Garrison, D. R., Anderson, T., & Archer, W. (2010). The first decade of the community of inquiry framework: A retrospective. The Internet and Higher Education, 3(1-2), 5-9.
ICSA. (2018). Woman holding microphone standing in front of crowd [Photograph].
Julia, C. (2019). Person writing on notebook [Photograph].
Li, N., Marsh, H. W., & Martin, A. J. (2013). Decoding the meaning of process and person-oriented approaches to student motivation in the Chinese cultural and educational setting. Journal of Educational Psychology, 105(2), 238–254.
Lowenthal, P. R., Dunlap, J. C., & Snelson, C. (2017). Live synchronous web meetings in asynchronous online courses: Reconceptualizing virtual office hours. Online Learning, 21(4), 177-194.
Shea, P., Li, C. S., & Pickett, A. M. (2006). A study of teaching presence and student sense of learning. Internet and Higher Education, 9(3), 175-190.
Anas Ahmed is a Graduate Assistant with 2 years of experience in Tech. He is passionate about Online Education and helping students achieve their full potential.
Thanks for this info. Its really amazing and helpful.
Jons, I am glad that you enjoyed reading the article and found the information of use.