Tag Archives: inclusivity

Promoting Equity and Belonging in Online STEM: Strategies for Culturally Responsive Practices

The inclusion of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) subjects in education fosters diversity and provides opportunities for students from various cultural backgrounds to engage in a comprehensive and enriching educational experience.

Culturally responsive teaching is a pedagogical approach that utilizes the cultural backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives of diverse students to enhance and personalize their learning experiences (Culturally Responsive STEM Committee, 2021). It goes beyond merely recognizing cultural differences; it actively incorporates these differences into the teaching process to create a classroom environment where all students feel valued, respected, and empowered to participate meaningfully. 

Adopting this approach entails tailoring teaching methods to align with students’ cultural experiences, thereby enhancing the relatability and engagement of the learning content (Thompson & Perez, 2021). Educators are tasked with actively seeking and integrating diverse perspectives into their teaching strategies, fostering an environment where students feel acknowledged and valued. As the educational journey unfolds, continual reflection and adaptation become crucial, ensuring responsiveness to the ever-changing cultural dynamics within the learning environment. 

Promoting Cultural Responsiveness in Online STEM Education

Educators who are committed to fostering an inclusive classroom that celebrates and respects students’ diverse backgrounds can empower all learners to thrive in a transformative academic environment.  Here are some strategies that educators can use to help them do so: 

Make Everyone Feel Welcome: Create a friendly online space where students from divergent backgrounds feel comfortable and respected.  For example, discussion boards where students share their cultural perspectives could foster a positive environment, ensuring everyone feels valued and respected. 

Use Diverse Examples and Culturally Relevant Resources: Include diverse types of resources and examples in your lessons to make sure everyone can relate to the material.   For example, in a history lesson, include narratives in recordings from various regions or cultures, ensuring that the material is relatable and accessible to students from diverse backgrounds. This approach could enhance the learning experience, making it more relevant and engaging for a diverse student body. 

Organize Community Engagement: Connecting students to STEM communities, organizations, and role models from diverse backgrounds is crucial. This could help students to feel a sense of belonging and may encourage them to pursue STEM fields. Educators can actively facilitate these connections by introducing guest speakers presentations, establishing access to field trips (both in-person and virtually), or promoting student participation in relevant organizations on campus. 

Establish Equity and Access: Educators should work to ensure that all students have equal access to educational opportunities. This may involve addressing disparities in access to technology, providing additional support for students with varying language abilities, and accommodating different learning styles and abilities. 

Use Inclusive Language and Explore Different Cultures: Use language that respects and acknowledges unfamiliar cultural perspectives and backgrounds. Avoid assumptions or stereotypes.  

Try learning about diverse cultures while being sensitive to them in your teaching.  For instance, in a lesson on scientific advancements, incorporate case studies highlighting collaborative efforts from scientists across the globe, emphasizing the global nature of STEM research. This approach could underscore cultural sensitivity in STEM learning, illustrating the interconnectedness of scientific achievements across diverse communities and creating an inclusive educational experience. 

Group of graduates, gathering joyfully.

Personalize Student Learning: Understand that each student learns differently and tailor the teaching to their needs.  Acknowledge the individual learning styles of each student and customize your teaching methods accordingly. Ensure fairness by allowing students the freedom to choose how they demonstrate their understanding. For instance, on a science assignment, provide options such as conducting an experiment, building a model, or delivering a brief presentation to display their comprehension. This approach could help to acknowledge diverse learning styles and strengths, creating an inclusive assessment environment. 

Encourage Group Work: Encourage students to work with classmates from divergent backgrounds.   For example, on a group assignment, deliberately pair students from diverse cultural or ethnic backgrounds to encourage a dynamic exchange of ideas. This collaborative method not only develops teamwork skills but could also provides students with valuable insights from various perspectives, creating a more inclusive and culturally diverse learning environment. 

Include Different Perspectives: Diverse cultures bring unique perspectives to STEM, so try showing how unfamiliar cultures think about different STEM topics.   Indigenous cultures often blend science with spirituality, Eastern philosophies emphasize balance, African cultures value community collaboration, Arab/Islamic cultures integrate faith and science, Latin American indigenous communities prioritize nature, and Nordic societies focus on societal impact (Thevenot, 2021). Recognizing these diverse perspectives could enrich the global understanding of STEM. 

These simple changes can help make online STEM courses better for everyone, no matter where they come from.  Culturally responsive teaching in STEM is an ongoing journey that involves a commitment to openness, feedback, and inclusivity. It is about continuously striving to create a learning environment where students from all cultural backgrounds feel valued and empowered to succeed in the STEM fields. 

Adding cultural responsive teaching could further enhance the learning environment for students who may need extra consideration. If you want to explore how to incorporate this type of teaching strategy into your online course, the SCSU Online and Distance Learning team can help.  You can reach out to us via email or through Bookings.

Additional Reading:

For more information on any of the following topics, please check out our previous blog articles.


Culturally Responsive STEM Committee. (2021, February 10). About the Culturally Responsive STEM Initiative. STEMteachersNYC. https://stemteachersnyc.org/culturally-responsive-stem/ 

Thompson, C. & Perez, R. (2021). Strategies for culturally responsive online teaching in STEM. Online Learning Consortium. https://onlinelearningconsortium.org/webinar/strategies-for-culturally-responsive-online-teaching-in-stem/ 

Thevenot, Y. (2021, July 26). Culturally responsive and sustaining STEM curriculum as a problem-based science approach to supporting student achievement for black and Latinx students. NYU Steinhardt. https://steinhardt.nyu.edu/metrocenter/vue/culturally-responsive-and-sustaining-stem-curriculum-problem-based-science-approach  

Woit, S. (2022). Person Holding Glucose, Medicine Students [Photograph]. SCSU photos. https://stcloudstate.smugmug.com/CastleCampus/i-MGQxHg4 

Woit, S. (2022). Group of graduates, gathering joyfully. [Photograph]. SCSU photos.  https://stcloudstate.smugmug.com/2023EconomicImpact/i-r44z7bp 


Monisha Mohannaidu, currently serving as a Graduate Assistant at SCSU, brings three years of valuable experience from her work with advertising agencies around the world. Apart from her professional background, she is an enthusiastic individual who has actively participated in several art workshops and has a proficiency in graphic design. 

Creating Inclusive Online Learning Environments

Inclusion refers to creating an atmosphere in which everyone, regardless of race, gender, ability, economic status, or other characteristics, feels included. It is about creating an environment in which everyone’s voice is heard, skills are valued and supported, everyone has the opportunity to experience personal fulfillment, and there is the equal opportunity to learn and grow. As colleges and universities across the country struggled to deal with the fallout from COVID-19, an increasing number decided to move all classes online. While faculty faced a number of challenges in moving course lectures, discussions, and lab or studio learning experiences online, students also struggled to adjust to this new learning environment. This sudden shift highlighted the critical importance of creating an inclusive online learning environment even more than before.

Solutions for Creating an Inclusive Online Learning Environment
  1. Communicate About Course Requirements

    Inform students of any prerequisites that must be completed prior to the start of the class. Inform them of the materials and resources required for the class. Is it necessary for students to purchase or rent books? Is it necessary for students to purchase any software or technology? Provide all this information to students during the first week of the semester so that they can decide if they are prepared and ready to take this class once it begins. In an effort to assist with this understanding, it is recommended to do a quick survey on the first day of class to understand if your students have any additional needs. Inform them about all the resources available on campus such as University Library, HuskTech (for technological needs), and the Student Accessibility Services Office.

  2. Set Clear Expectations

    It is much easier for students to stay on track and plan accordingly based on 1) if there is a clear and organized plan of what is going to occur throughout the semester, 2) student expectations, and 3) instructor expectations. Make sure you have a course calendar with all the deadlines to assist with this tracking. You also may want to avoid overwhelming students on the first day of class. Students are likely to become overwhelmed by viewing the large number of tasks they must complete for the course, all at once.

    Make sure you only set achievable goals and expectations and let them know you will support and accommodate students as needed. Since not all students have the same level of knowledge and background, establishing clear expectations allows them to manage their time effectively, put in additional effort whenever needed, and set their own goals and objectives for the course. Some students may require additional assistance and encouragement, so assuring them that you understand and will assist them in succeeding will mean a lot to them. You can also encourage student to utilize the resources available on campus such as Tutoring Resources, The SCSU Writing Centers and many others.

  3. Design All Courses with Accessibility

    All students benefit from easily accessible content and opportunities to interact with course materials that help them succeed. It’s important to remember that not all students will have reliable internet, software, hardware, and devices (e.g., microphone, webcam, printer). As a result, it is critical to provide students with options for accessing materials online, such as sharing PDFs and PowerPoints rather than videos, which require more bandwidth. For online lectures, be sure to include transcripts and captions. The captions can be edited for accuracy and made available to students. If you are on-screen during a live session or recording a lecture, make sure to verbally describe any visuals such as images, diagrams, or charts so that students who are visually impaired can still access the content. Check-in with your students on a regular basis to ensure they have proper access to all course materials. Follow the guidelines provided by the Student Accessibility Services Office to make sure your course is accessible for all students.

  4. Build a Diversified Course

    To build an inclusive learning environment, instructors can encourage students to be accountable not only for their learning but their contributions to the classroom.   This can be achieved through student resource sharing through news, blogs, or articles that they find interesting, relates to the course topics, and represents a variety of viewpoints and origins. It is important to analyze digital content presentations critically to identify any flaws and possibly add additional course materials if there is problematic or stereotypical text or media present. Instructors should use examples that speak to various demographics in online discussions, recorded lectures, and live Zoom meetings (whether during class or office hours). Teach your students to think critically about the course material and any relevant outside sources. Make use of tools, information, and stories that are pertinent to the topic, and consider the social and cultural diversity of your students.

  5. Be Virtually Available and Responsive

    For an online learning environment to be open and welcoming, interactions with students are essential. It’s critical that instructors make it possible for students to contact them if students have any questions or need the material adjusted based on their skills or circumstances. Students should be given options to either communicate via email or by scheduling a virtual Zoom meeting session. Instructors may need to consider arranging virtual drop-in sessions on a regular basis so that students can ask questions in person. Being accessible to serve the requirements of online students, especially outside of regular business hours, is a key component of inclusive online teaching.

By providing clear information, designing a course for all, and being available for student-instructor communication can all lead to creating a more inclusive online course.  Students being in an environment where they can feel represented, seen, and heard could lead to them thriving in a course.  If you would like to learn more about any of these aspects or how you can best incorporate them into your online course, the SCSU Online and Distance Learning team can assist with that. Please reach out to us via email or through Bookings.


Fauxels. (2019). Photo of people doing handshakes [Photograph]. Pexels. https://www.pexels.com/photo/photo-of-people-doing-handshakes-3183197/

Inglis, A. (2022, February 15). 4 strategies to create inclusive online learning. Guroo Producer.  https://www.gurooproducer.com/blog/tgxpl-inclusive-online-learning

Sathy, V., & Hogan, K. A. (2019). How to make your teaching more inclusive. The Chronicle of Higher Education.  https://www.chronicle.com/article/how-to-make-your-teaching-more-inclusive/

SmartBrief. (2020, July 17). How to build an inclusive online learning environment. SmartBrief.  https://corp.smartbrief.com/original/2020/07/how-build-inclusive-online-learning-environment


Kamana K C is an Information Assurance graduate student at SCSU. She has nearly two years of experience as a Graduate Assistant with the SCSU Online Department. She was able to assist faculty and students at SCSU in improving their teaching and learning experiences by assisting with D2L and Zoom.