Tag Archives: professional

The Added Value of Bringing Professional Experiences into Your Courses

To ensure that learners possess the soft skills demanded by employers and entrepreneurs, it is important to design courses that facilitate the development of abilities such as interpersonal skills, leadership skills, communication skills, and critical thinking skills. Presently, graduate students are increasingly interested in practical, hands-on learning experiences that can help them develop the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in their future careers. This trend may have implications for how courses are designed and delivered in graduate programs, with a greater emphasis on experiential learning and real-world applications (Pappas, 2021; Wats & Wats, 2009). According to Academic Partnerships (2023), below are a few examples of learning experiences that could be incorporated into a course:

  • Incorporate case studies: Case studies are an effective way to bridge the gap between theoretical concepts and practical applications. By analyzing real-world scenarios, students can gain a better understanding of how concepts and theories are applied in the workplace.
  • Use simulations: Simulations can provide students with hands-on experiences that mirror the challenges they may face in their future careers. For example, a workplace simulation provides a no-risk and structured environment for students to practice decision-making and problem-solving skills.
  • Invite guest speakers: Inviting professionals from the industry to speak in a course can provide students with valuable insights into the practical application of concepts. Guest speakers can share their experiences and provide advice on how to navigate the professional world.
  • Offer internships and co-ops: Internships and co-ops can provide students with opportunities to gain practical experience in a real-world setting. They can work on real projects and collaborate with professionals in the industry.
  • Provide networking opportunities: Networking is a crucial aspect of building a successful career. By offering networking opportunities, such as attending industry events or connecting with alumni, students can build relationships and gain insights into the industry.
  • Use experiential learning: Experiential learning involves “learning by doing.” By incorporating activities such as role-playing, group projects, and field trips, students can gain practical experience and develop the skills necessary to succeed in the workplace.
Strategies to Enhance the Workplace Relevance of Academic Courses

According to Academic Partnerships (2023), to increase the workplace relevance of academic courses, there are three main strategies that course designers can implement.

  • The first strategy is to utilize module introductions and summaries to highlight the workplace relevance of course content. Through this, course designers can help students understand how the concepts they are learning can be applied in real-world settings. This can increase student engagement and motivation and help prepare them for successful careers after graduation.
  • The second strategy is to build authentic learning opportunities that increase student awareness of career opportunities. This can be done by showcasing professionals in the field using interviews, guest lectures, and various types of discussions, such as panel talks, moderated discussion boards, and “Ask Me Anything” talks. In addition, incorporating case studies covering local events can provide students with practical examples of how theoretical concepts are being applied in the workplace.
  • The third strategy is to increase student confidence by decreasing the articulation gap, providing personalized learning contracts, and utilizing e-portfolios. To achieve this, course designers can intentionally present the curriculum as relevant to the workforce through the following activities: offering opportunities for evaluated career awareness, building confidence through continuous conversations, and utilizing professional resources and connections. Also, guiding students through the development of electronic portfolios that demonstrate to employers the knowledge and skills necessary to be successful at their company or organization could also be beneficial. By implementing these strategies, course designers can enhance the learning experience and prepare students for success in the workforce.

By integrating professional experiences into courses, students can gain a more comprehensive understanding of theoretical concepts and their practical applications. Doing so could improve their learning outcomes and equip them with the skills necessary for their future careers. The SCSU Online and Distance Learning team can provide guidance, literature, and tools to help incorporate professional experiences into a course. Reach out to us via email or through Bookings.

Additional Reading:

For more information on how useful an instructional designer can be to your course, check out this previous blog post.


Academic Partnerships. (2023, February 21). Mirroring professional experiences in your courses [Video]. Academic Partnerships Faculty eCommons. https://facultyecommons.com/webinars/mirroring-professional-experiences-in-your-courses/

Fauxels. (2019). Top View Photo of Group of People Using Macbook While Discussing [Photography]. Pexels. https://www.pexels.com/photo/top-view-photo-of-group-of-people-using-macbook-while-discussing-3182773/

Pappas, C. (2015, January 23). 8 tips to use personal experiences in elearning course design. ELearning Industry. https://elearningindustry.com/8-tips-use-personal-experiences-elearning-course-design

Wats, M. & Wats, R. (2009). Developing soft skills in students. The International Journal of Learning: Annual Review, 15, 1-10. https://doi.org.10.18848/1447-9494/CGP/v15i12/46032


Shagufta Naeem is a Graduate Assistant at the Online and Distance Learning department at Saint Cloud State University. She is an ACCA’ Member with a bachelor’s degree in applied accounting, a CFA Charter-holder and is pursuing an MBA from SCSU. She has 8 years of work experience specific to Corporate Credit, Audit, Risk Assurance, Internal Controls, and Financial Management.