Tag Archives: student engagement

Gamifying Your Asynchronous Course

With online learning becoming the new norm in the world of education, we see many learners of different age groups learning through this method. An asynchronous course is one modality of online learning that allows learners to interact with class materials at their discretion, with the addition of guided pre-recorded videos and notes. There are no scheduled lectures to attend, but learning activities and assessments may have completion deadlines.  While convenience is a major advantage of asynchronous courses, they have their disadvantages as well. In an article about asynchronous learning, Pappas (2015) talks about the lack of motivation as there are no interactions with peers and the learning material itself, which demotivates and disengages learners who require stimulation.  One way to change this is through course gamification.

In another article regarding the perspectives of learners in a gamified course, Pandey (2015) noted that “80% of learners claimed learning would be more productive if it were more game-oriented; 67% of learners reported that a gamified course was more motivating than a traditional course” (para. 6). 

What is Gamification? 

“Gamification is the application of game-design elements and game principles in non-game contexts” (Fitz-Walter, n.d., para.1).  Course gamification differs from just adding games together with class material. A gamified course would have the class syllabus and material made with gaming elements.  Each part of the lesson should be used to teach something new, combined with the repetition of previous lessons to promote information retention, and constant engagement to use the information learned.

A well-known example would be Duolingo. Duolingo presents itself as a language learning platform but utilizes gaming elements such as levels, bonus points, and achievement badges to make learning fun. While Duolingo is not approved for use at the university, faculty do have access to various software applications and tools that can be incorporated into gamifying their course.  This includes H5P, MediaSpace hotspots, and Microsoft Sway for interactive content.  There are also Kahoot and MediaSpace quizzes for engaging assessments.  Lastly, there are badges and certificates which can be awarded for student achievement.  Discussion boards could be used for peer-to-peer learning, a repository for materials, and information exchange related to the learners’ progress.  

Ways to Gamify a Course 

Gamification of a course is no easy feat, but the results it yields are worth it.  This process would benefit from the proper planning and course mapping of the course before development begins.  A course can undergo gamification through these steps: 

  1. Designing a Quest with One Goal: Just as a game has one end goal for the player to achieve, so should your course.  Use course mapping to lay out the learning components of your course.  Your one goal should be the overarching “big idea” of your course.  What is it you would like your students to take with them once they have completed your course?  Use your course learning outcomes and module learning objectives to guide the development of smaller goals you would like to have your students achieve.
  2. Scaffolding the Learning Content: Have lessons with assignments that fall into increasing goal levels (micro-, sub-, end).  Assignments that are micro-goals, allow students to identify the problem first.  Once these assignments have been completed, students are encouraged to use the newly acquired knowledge to move on to the more challenging assignments associated with sub-goals.  These sub-goals will lead to students solving the problem, which is the end goal.
  3. Set Expectations for Achievement: Set expectations through learning objectives and let learners know them from the start. Each goal level should have expectations that students need to work toward to progress on to accomplish the end goal.  By exposing students to these expectations throughout the course, it can allow them to better apply what they have learned as they move forward.
  4. Grades and Scores as Achievements: High scores on individual assignments or the completion of a goal level, can be rewarded with the use of a badge or certificate.   These awards could be used to signify student success in understanding the coursework.  For added incentives, use a culmination of these awards to introduce bonus points, passes for special circumstances, or even skips in levels.

Though a gamified course is an effective way to engage and motivate learners, it all depends on the course, the teacher, the selection of the proper gamification tool, and how well the learners engage. There is not a ‘one size fits all’ format for a gamified course and will require the teacher to find the right fit for the teaching style. Course gamification requires trial and error, but once the teacher understands how to utilize it to its full potential, only then will a masterfully designed gamified course be effective.  

If you are interested in learning how to gamify your asynchronous or synchronous online course, please let us know.  The SCSU Online and Distance Learning team can walk you through course mapping, and how to set up the SCSU-branded Kahoot, MediaSpace, and other tools. Reach out to us via email or through Bookings.

Additional Reading:

For more information on any of the following topics, please check out our previous blog articles.


Fitz-Walter, Z. (n.d.). What is gamification? Gamify.  https://www.gamify.com/what-is-gamification  

Morrow, G. (2017). Photo of a controller on the desk, with other appliances around it [Photograph]. Pexel.  https://www.pexels.com/photo/black-game-console-on-wooden-surface-682933/ 

Oprean, D., Seo, G., Lundolos, P. & Mitchell, B. (2023, February 1). Level up: Gamifying an asynchronous course on designing games for learning through modeling, authenticity, and learner autonomy [Video]. Online Learning Consortium. https://onlinelearningconsortium.org/webinar/level-up-gamifying-an-asynchronous-course-on-designing-games-for-learning-through-modeling-authenticity-and-learner-autonomy/

Pandey, A. (2015). 6 killer examples of gamification in eLearning. eLearning Industry. https://elearningindustry.com/6-killer-examples-gamification-in-elearning   

Pappas, C. (2015). Asynchronous learning advantages and disadvantages in corporate training. eLearning Industry. https://elearningindustry.com/asynchronous-learning-advantages-and-disadvantages-in-corporatetraining#:~:text=Asynchronous%20learning%20doesn’t%20offer,being%20isolated%20and%20%E2%80%9Cdisconnected%E2%80%9D     

Cavan Cheong is an Instructional Designer Graduate Assistant with the Online and Distance Learning Department at St. Cloud State University. He has a bachelor’s degree in business administration and experience in the hospitality industry. Currently, he is pursuing his master’s in business administration at St. Cloud State University. 

Prevent the Student Melt: Empowering Student Success from Day One and Beyond

As we tackle the formidable challenge of student disengagement head-on, discover the proactive 10-step plan to “Stop the Melt” (Academic Partnerships, n.d.). Empower students for success, ensuring their academic journey goes smoothly from Week Zero and beyond.


Entering college or university is a thrilling journey filled with the promise of growth and transformation. However, this transition is not always smooth for every student. Many students face a formidable challenge known as “Student Melt,” a phenomenon where the initial excitement of high school graduation can melt away when the realities of college or university life set in (Academic Partnerships, n.d.). These early struggles can often lead to academic setbacks and even a student dropping out.

But there is a proactive approach that can tackle this issue head-on. By reaching out to students well before the semester officially begins and providing continuous support throughout the crucial first week, educators can make a profound impact on the trajectory of a student’s academic journey. Educators play a pivotal role in guiding students as they construct their online learning community (Mentor Collective Staff, 2023). In this blog post, we will explore a 10-step plan designed to “Stop the Melt” and empower students for success.

A Plan to Prevent “The Melt”:

This is a comprehensive plan that focuses on ensuring students not only succeed but thrive in their academic pursuits. Each step in this plan is designed to create a supportive and engaging learning environment, setting students on a path toward achievement and personal growth. Let’s delve into these ten crucial steps that will help you foster a vibrant online learning community and empower your students for success.

Step 1: Promote a Growth Mindset

  • Remind students that everyone encounters challenges on their academic journey.
  • Encourage students to view challenges as opportunities for growth.
  • Focus on reshaping the way students speak, act, and think about their struggles.
  • Emphasize the value of the learning process, not just the end results.
  • Offer students opportunities to plan and reflect on their learning experiences.

Step 2: Voice and Tone Checklist

  • Consider the unique audience and adapt your approach accordingly, as each course is different.
  • Provide practical tips for student success.
  • Share a diverse range of examples, images, and experiences to engage and connect with students.
  • Welcome and encourage suggestions and involvement from students.
  • Regularly remind students about the wealth of campus resources available to them.
  • Keep your communication upbeat and positive.

Step 3: Prepare Support Communications

  • Craft a schedule for support communications, including weekly announcements, mid-week reminders, preparations for major assessments, and end-of-week wrap-ups. These messages help students stay informed and engaged throughout the course.

Step 4: Open Course to Students

  • Ensure that the course materials and resources are accessible to students at least one week before the official start of the course. You do not need to make all pages available, but sharing your syllabus, instructor introduction, course policies, and introduction activity for students will help answer any initial questions students may have. This prompt access allows students to familiarize themselves with the course content and be better prepared.

Steps 5 and 6: Send Initial Outreach Email and Follow-up Email

  • Begin with a welcoming email to introduce students to the course, set expectations, and provide an overview.
  • Send follow up ’email to maintain a connection and reinforce the importance of the course.

Step 7: Course Updates and Announcements

  • Keep students informed about the course schedule, expectations, and any important announcements regularly and consistently to maintain their engagement.

Step 8: Monitor Students Analytics

  • Regularly track students’ progress week after week to identify those who may need additional support or outreach.

Step 9: Schedule & Host One-on-One Meetings

  • Arrange one-on-one meetings with students to establish a personal connection.
  • Discuss goals, identify motivations, answer any questions, and share valuable resources.

Step 10: Provide Ongoing Support

  • Continuously offer support materials, such as worksheets and guidebooks, to assist students in their learning journey (Academic Partnerships, 2023b).

The 10-step plan to “Stop the Melt” is a proactive and integrated approach to empower students for success in their academic endeavors. By focusing on fostering a growth mindset, maintaining the right voice and tone in communications, and providing ongoing support, educators can help students navigate the challenges of higher education and set them on a path to achievement and personal growth.

If you would like more information about ways to increase student engagement, the SCSU Online and Distance Learning team is available.  Please reach out to us via email or through Bookings. We can guide you through each of these steps.

Additional Reading: 
For more information on any of the following topics, please check out our previous blog articles.

Engaging Learners in the eLearning Classroom
Interactive Learning Applications in the Online Classroom
Let Students Know You Exist: Adding Teacher Presence to Your Online Course


Academic Partnerships. (n.d.). Stop the Melt: Student Success Starts at Week 0 [Video]. Faculty eCommons. https://facultyecommons.com/webinars/stop-the-melt-student-success-starts-at-week-0/

Academic Partnerships. (2023a, May 31). Student Success Guide & Worksheet.  Faculty eCommons. https://facultyecommons.com/student-success/

Academic Partnerships. (2023b, July 31). Faculty checklist for a successful course start. Faculty eCommons. https://facultyecommons.com/faculty-checklist-for-a-successful-course-start/

Castleman, B. L., & Page, L. C. (2014). Summer melt: Supporting low-income students through the transition to college. Harvard Education Press. https://eric.ed.gov/?id=ED568799

Mentor Collective Staff. (2023, September 12). Why reducing summer melt is a diversity, Equity & Inclusion issue. Mentor Collective. https://www.mentorcollective.org/blog/why-reducing-summer-melt-is-a-diversity-equity-inclusion-issue

Piacquadio, A. (2020). Man sitting on a green grass field [Photograph]. Pexels. https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-sitting-on-a-green-grass-field-3761504/


Shagufta Naeem is a Graduate Assistant at the Online and Distance Learning department at Saint Cloud State University. She is an ACCA Member with a bachelor’s degree in applied accounting, a CFA Charter-holder and is pursuing an MBA from SCSU. She has 8 years of work experience specific to Corporate Credit, Audit, Risk Assurance, Internal Controls, and Financial Management.