Be a Technology Superhero!

Every post from us here at Tech Tips is geared toward making technology more user-friendly for everyone. When you hear the word technology, what happens? Do you shut down? Do you feel afraid? Do you think of video games? Technology can be both good and bad, but it is definitely here to stay. We want you to feel excited when you think about using technology!


We have mentioned the pandemic a few times in our recent posts – it has changed a lot of things! But mostly, it has changed the way teachers have needed to teach their students. Technology is being used more than ever before, and we want teachers to embrace technology. 



As a teacher in these troubling times, you have the power to be a technology superhero! Instead of shying away from trying new resources, take the leap! “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” It can definitely be scary to try new things, but how can you expect to improve yourself and become the best teacher possible if you don’t constantly try to learn new things? 


Here are some ways you can be a Technology Superhero!

  • Watch YouTube tutorials if you are unsure of how to use a new technology resource
  • Talk to your district’s Technology Integration Specialist to see if there are any new things you can try in your classroom using technology
  • Find class projects or assignments that can be altered to have students engaged in using technology
  • Ask other teachers in your district how they use technology for teaching.



There are so many excellent resources out there, and YouTube is no exception. Anytime I am not quite sure about how to do something, I just look up tutorials on YouTube. 


Not sure how to do a 1950’s hairstyle for a play you’re in? 



Need to check how to fix a specific part on your car?


The same goes for technology! If you want to learn how to use a specific piece of technology in your classroom, YouTube is an excellent source.



So many schools are now employing Technology Integration Specialists. Their job includes supporting you in your classrooms with new ways to implement technology into your curriculum. If you aren’t sure how to start, talk to your school or district’s Technology Integration Specialist. I’m sure they have great ideas!


PRO TIP: Visit to see what one District Technology Integration Specialist suggests for classrooms! 



What sorts of assignments do you give your class? Is there a way to get them to use technology for their assignments? If your students are assigned something like a book report, maybe instead, have them create a comic strip or movie poster in Canva. Do your first grade students need to practice math facts during their free time? Try ABCMouse! If you get creative, you can find many ways to implement technology into everyday assignments. 



Search for other technology superheroes! One of the greatest resources available are the other teachers in your own building! Check out their classrooms and see what they’re doing to implement the use of technology in their curriculum! It’s okay to share ideas. They are your colleagues and will most likely love to help you out. 


Technology does not need to be as villainous as you might think! Your computer might feel like it’s working against you sometimes with all the potential avenues of system failures, but it is also something that can be conquered. Knowing what sites can help out for which situations is something close to a superpower; like any superpower, it requires training and learning to actually develop it. Asking your friends, searching the web, doing anything you can to expose yourself will be beneficial in the long run. You can and will become a tech superhero if you try!

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