Sun dog means stay warm
We have a beautiful sun dog today: a rainbow circle around the sun.
It means Minnesota is heading toward sub-zero temperatures. Stay warm, dress appropriately.
The Finland Phenomenon
Have you heard about the #FinlandPhenomenon?
In this article:
China is cited as one of the countries interested in the success of the Finish educational system. Please share your thoughts how you, as an educator, will implement the lessons learned.
孔院会议 “催化剂” - Reconnect Growth Catalyst
I hope your week has been well since returning from the weekend conference. 很高兴你们都能参加,也能互相鼓励,多了解你们在学校教课的情况与经历。
- 小组沟通方式很重要,每个人也是都做得不一样。(像过墙的活动)
- 每个人都有挣扎,但是说出来就能收到彼此的鼓励。(夸活动,狼人杀)
- “大家一起比一个人单独走得更远” (Tight wire walking activity,用棍子)
What are your reflections from the weekend? Any additional insights you found in discussion, change you intend to make in returning to your student teaching work in classes?
I hope to see some reflection of the experience in your next blogs, 包括一点写英文的部分。你们可以的,一步一步,加油(胡林)!
what do you think?…
Weekly Summary Template: Sep. 13 Creative Inspire
好像你们大部分老师这周开始了自己教课, 太棒了!期待听你们的经历。
I like to share inspiring quotes often, maybe will spark something of your experience or in relation to your students:
“Creativity is piercing the mundane to find the marvelous” – Bill Meyers
“Your presence is a gift to the world. You’re unique and one of a kind.” – 匿名,Anonymous
Do you have a favorite quote or thought you’d like to share, from your experience this week?
Other questions/reflection prompts you may consider for a “Weekly Summary”:
The most fascinating thing I learned this week was……
The best interaction I had with a student was when…..
The thing that I have been most curious about lately is…..
What gives me hope and peace when things get busy or stressful is….
Hope these help guide reflection and future conversations, together or with those in your community.
Keep being wonderful and letting creativity shine 🙂
Differences between China and US
SCSU Mainstreet 2018
Main Street 2018
On Wednesday, September 5, 2018, St. Cloud State University held its regular Main Street event.
Did you happen to stop by our Confucius Institute table?
Week of September 04: 生活中最紧张时,Carry Forward 你的心故事
Happy Wednesday evening to all, hope this finds you well.
3 Recent Joyful Moments
我要首先分享一下“生活通知” (life update). 我上个周末过得特别开心,第一是因为能参加好朋友的婚礼。婚礼晚会很完美,全部都过得特别顺利。发言也有人告诉给他们深刻的好影响。(抱歉我的中文语法错误)第二是因为都是跟女朋友在一起的,开车六个小时到威斯康星州。我们一起也跟好多好朋友见面了,一起玩。
She said yes!!! 我们一边哭一边笑,有很大的拥抱,感觉不是真的发现的事。到现在还是很难相信都过的这么顺利。哈利路亚,感谢主🙏
我期待看你们的经历. What has been on your mind or heart that you would like to share? What has been something positive or negative that you have encountered in Minnesota so far? What makes you especially joyful, either here or at home? What is one meaningful classroom occurrence that has happened so far?
欢迎思考一下这些问题。迫不及待读一下你们的看法与经历。继续加油,we believe in you 🙂
Blessings abound,
word from the technology world
Please share your knowledge about technological achievements in education from your country