November 16

Recorded Webinars on Online Learning Accessibility

3Play media Recorded Webinars


Implementing Universal and Inclusive Design for Online Learning
This webinar discussed how the principles of universal and inclusive design can be applied to the online learning environment, with a particular focus on the accessibility of course content and materials.Here you can find the Recorded webinar of Implementing Universal and Inclusive Design for Online Learning, which includes closed captions and a searchable interactive transcript, as well as the slide deck.

10 Tips for Creating Accessible Online Course Content
With recent lawsuits in higher education and updates to Section 508 on the horizon, it is more important than ever that online learning content be made accessible to students with disabilities. In this webinar, Janet Sylvia, Web Accessibility Group Leader and Web Accessibility Trainer, will provided 10 tips for making your online course material accessible. Here you can find the Recorded webinar of 10 Tips for Creating Accessible Online Course Content, which includes closed captions and a searchable interactive transcript, as well as the slide deck and handout.

Also, see additional free recorded webinars on various topics, including accessibility, captioning, and universal design.

November 16

D2L Brightspace upgrade tomorrow

Brightspace_logo_Stacked_RGB_300x275D2L Brightspace is going to be upgraded to version 10.5.3 on Tuesday the 17th from 4:00am to 8:00am. So, whats new?

Here is our another D2L tip of the month or FAQ of the week, brought to you by MnSCU D2L Brightspace Service Desk.

Q:  What’s new in D2L Brightspace version 10.5.3 for students, teachers and campus site administrators?

A:  There are three FAQs to highlight the major changes for the update from version 10.5.0 to version 10.5.3.

What’s New for Students?

What’s New for Teachers?

What’s New for Admins?