St. Cloud Alumnus Champions Free Textbooks
We mentioned David Ernst in our previous article on the MN eLearning Summit. Ernst happens to be not only CIO at the U of M’s College of Education and Human Development but also Executive Director of the Open Textbook Network where he created the Open Textbook Library. What’s more, Dave is a St. Cloud alumnus! Please see yesterday’s news video and article about the Open Textbook Network on KARE 11.
Xiong, B. (2015, August 5). U of M explores free textbooks for students. KARE 11. Retrieved from–m-explores-free-textbooks–students/31187033/
This article on the Open Textbook Network is particularly salient since the cost of textbooks is increasing “more than any other consumer product.” According to a report on NBC News today, textbook prices have risen more than 1,000% since 1977! Here is a link to the report: