October 12

D2L Q&A: Understanding Quiz Question Statistics

MnSCU D2L Brightspace Service DeskHere is another useful tip for instructors on how to get the statistics on their quiz questions.

Q: What statistics are available for quiz questions in a D2L Brightspace course?

A: Learn about quiz statistics and common questions at FAQ #1601.

Below is a brief overview in tables taken from the MnSCU D2L Brightspace Service Desk:

Statistics by Question Type and Question Collection:

Are statistics available for:

Question Type Average Grade Standard Deviation Discrimination Index Point Biserial
T/F Yes Yes Yes Yes*
M/C Yes Yes Yes Yes*
M/S Yes Yes Yes No
Matching Yes Yes Yes No
Ordering Yes Yes Yes No
LA Yes Yes Yes No
SA Yes Yes Yes No
MSA Yes Yes Yes No
FIB Yes Yes Yes No
2+2 Yes Yes Yes No
x10 Yes Yes Yes No

* Note: There can only be one answer worth 100%; all other answers must be worth 0%.

Are statistics available for questions:

Question Condition Average Grade Standard Deviation Discrimination Index Point Biserial
In Random Section** No No No No
In Folder Section Yes Yes Yes Yes
In Root section Yes Yes Yes Yes
Has Randomized Responses Yes Yes Yes Yes

* Note: any questions that are contained in a Random folder DO NOT produce item analysis statistics.

September 24

Minnesota Online Quality Initiative Webinar series continue

Image credit: minnesota.qualitymatters.org

Image credit: minnesota.qualitymatters.org

All MnSCU faculty and staff are welcome to register for different D2L Brightspace and SIG (Special Interest Group for Learning Spaces & Instructional Technology) webinars.
There are a few that repeat so you can choose a date that works better for you. With the final one in September: D2L Brightspace Advanced: Checklist Tool
to the final one in October: SIG Webinar: Time-Saving Tips for Stressed Out Instructors there is a gamut of helpful one-hour sessions for instructors and staff of our MnSCU institutions. We will keep you posted on more events sponsored by MOQI as well as add these webinars to our calendar!

September 10

D2L Q&A: How do I create private discussion topics with my students?

MnSCU D2L Brightspace Service Desk

We bring you another great tip with detailed instructions on how to start a private online discussion with individual students.

Q: How can faculty have a private online conversation with each student in a D2L Brightspace course?

A: It is possible to set up an individual discussion with each student by creating groups of one member.  It takes some time to set up, because each group and discussion needs to be renamed, but is worth it if you want to have an ongoing conversation with individual students that is stored within the course.

Detailed instructions are offered here within the MnSCU D2L Brightspace Service Desk.

September 1

Academic Support Services at SCSU introduce online tutoring service Smarthinking

Attention instructors!

Please refer your students to their D2L/Brightspace home page that will show the academic support services for them or Tutoring Services/Options.

This leads our students to the listing of all SCSU on-campus tutoring services and Smarthinking.

Smarthinking is a 24/7 online and on-demand tutoring service, available at no charge to all enrolled students (each student is assigned 15 hours per semester by default).  They can use Smarthinking to schedule live tutoring appointments, participate in drop-in live sessions, ask questions, or submit writing assignments for feedback.

Students are able to access the Smarthinking website via a link on their D2L/Brightspace main page.

Finally, just below this new resource, remind them that there is a list of free self-registration offerings as well as student help documents and student overview videos for navigating D2L.

D2L help and tutring screenshot


August 19

D2L Brightspace Video Help Library

Attention instructors!

A quick way to find really short and concise videos on any feature of your D2L Brightspace course can be found here.

If you are interested in a specific feature, you can quickly search (e.g. discussions, dropbox, calendar, assessment, quizzes, chat, classlist, etc.).

Also, when you log in to your D2L, in the right upper corner you will have a box named “Instructor Help” which has the link as well.

D2L Instructor Help: Video Help Library

D2L Instructor Help, searchable videos