November 6

T4TL Workshop: D2L ePortfolio

Make learning visible. Tell your learning story. Find out how at the next T4TL workshop.

This week we will be hosting another Technology for Teaching and Learning (T4TL) workshop: D2L ePortfolio. Plan to attend one of the sessions offered by the ITS Academic Technology Team on either Wednesday, November 7 from 3-3:50 in Centennial Hall 115 or Thursday, November 8 from noon to 1 in Centennial Hall 106.

If you can’t join us in person, please plan to join us online at: We look forward to your attendance.


October 29

T4TL Workshop: D2L Intelligent Agents

Intelligent Agents provide automated communication techniques to help you maintain an online presence and increase student engagement. Learn more about how to create intelligent agents by attending the upcoming session offered by ITS Academic Technology Team on Wednesday, Oct. 31, 3:00 PM -3:50 PM in Centennial Hall 115. If you can’t join us in person, you can participate online using Adobe Connect: