May 31

D2L Brightspace Webinars

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Here are some upcoming webinars organized by D2L for you!

Restructuring Online Discussions to Save Time and Engage Students – Live Webinar

Discussions are rightly an integral (if not time-consuming) part of engaging students in online learning environments. This session shows how a simple change of discussion structure and the question style can save you time, while creating conversations that re-create the excitement of engaged learning in face-to-face discussions.

Register now

Build Your First Intelligent Agent in Brightspace – Live Webinar

Are you interested in using Intelligent Agents but don’t know where to start? In this webinar we will help you create your first Intelligent Agent (or maybe even your second or third). We’ll help you decide:

  1. Why you should create an agent
  2. Who you should create an agent for
  3. How to create the agent
  4. What’s in it for you – prizes, that’s what’s in it for you! 

We’ll give away prizes to a couple of lucky attendees through a random drawing near the end of the live webinar.

Register now

January 24

Online Discussion Forum Guide – Dinner Party Analogy

Here is another interesting post from Faculty Focus, written by Cheryl Hayek, associate provost at Grantham University, in 2012. To read the full article click here.

Hayek (2012) wrote: “Discussion forums are like dinner parties, and the instructor is the host. Personally welcoming each student into this new and unfamiliar place and making them feel like they belong in that environment is a necessity to help integrate them socially and academically into the course; key elements in all retention research. We know that retention is heavily reliant on that integration and students’ related satisfaction.”

Here are the steps she suggested. I quite enjoyed her analogy!

  • Welcome EVERYONE personally at the door. (Online forum)
  • Make sure every person feels comfortable in the new environment. (Tone)
  • Don’t ignore anyone. (Reply to each student throughout the course)
  • Disagreements are phrased professionally.
  • No one should be silent, including the host! (Be present in forums)
  • Serve them something delicious. (Content!)
  • Invite them back! (To weekly forums, to the next assignment even if they’ve faltered on the previous one, to the university if they’ve finished your course)
  • Proportionate time with every guest. (Don’t reply to the same students every time)
  • Spend extra time with needy guests. (Struggling students)
  • Don’t talk all at once, spread the conversation throughout the party. (Post on various days, keeping the volume consistent)
  • Start up a new conversation when one is stale! (Add a relevant link to a current event to discuss)
  • Hosts are visible, immediately attend to guests’ needs, personable, and proactively plan for a great evening!

In addition to her post, there were a few responses to her blog post that I noted. Here are a few more ideas that can be used if you are facilitating discussions in your course:

  • Ask for citation/reference to support the student’s view (from the week’s class readings usually. everything they find extra is their choice if they want to dig deeper).
  • Provide examples of a “good” and “bad” discussion post and a reply to a post (if you don’t write up examples but really like a student’s post you can ask them for permission to show it to the other student/put it in your syllabus as a “good post sample”).
  • Focus on the quality, not quantity of student posts. If a student posts too many threads or replies but have not said much or cited, they probably did not fully engage. – However, sometimes by posting many replies they just want to acknowledge that they have read their classmates’ posts and agreed or liked it, so that is nice. My point here – it is the best to require one substantial post where they would express their opinion and cite a relevant resources, and require at least one or two replies. Anything over that can be overwhelming, but if they only say “I agree” or “Good point” let them be, just don’t necessarily consider it if you are grading their discussion posts.
January 23

Five Ways to Make Your Online Classrooms More Interactive

An article by Amy Peterson, a senior vice president of course design, development and academic research at Pearson,  posted on the Faculty Focus website lists 5 ways to make your Online Classroom more interactive.

Since I like lists I thought I’d share her thoughts briefly here. To read the full article, follow this link.

The convenience and flexibility of the online learning environment allows learners to develop new skills and further their education, regardless of where they live. However, online learning can sometimes feel isolating for students and faculty. The question is: how do you build a sense of community in your online courses?

1. Integrate real-time interaction

Integrating opportunities for real-time interaction into your online course can help change that and develop a sense of community in a course. You can facilitate these interactions by setting up opportunities for class members to meet online synchronously both formally and informally. Using web conferencing applications, you can create a variety of synchronous interaction opportunities, such as office hours, small group discussions, whole class discussions, and study groups.

2. Get creative with discussion boards

In an online environment, you can structure your discussions so that everyone contributes, plus they’ll have more time to consider what they want to say before responding. Class size helps determine how you organize discussions. In a larger class of, say, 100 students, you can set up smaller discussion groups of 20 or so people so that students can get to know their fellow classmates. One technique that fosters richer dialogue is creating discussion prompts that are open ended, such as requiring students to provide examples or asking them to interpret a concept from a variety of perspectives.

3. Maximize engagement with non-task interaction

Non-task interactions are those exchanges that are not part of the direct learning, but help create a supportive learning community. You can facilitate these types of interactions by leveraging the social networking capabilities that are available in many learning management systems, such as chat and webconferencing. St. Cloud State and D2L Brightspace have Wiggio for example.

4. Use multiple communication tools

You’re not alone in wanting to increase and enhance student engagement and interaction. Students can meet each other in real time on Skype and Google Hangouts. Preprogrammed communication, such as introductory videos, content presentation, and email, are still important components of online learning, but student interaction can take the learning further, faster.

5. Have a plan around the tool

A tech tool is only as good as you the way you use it from a pedagogical perspective. When you move a face-to-face course online, or create an online course from scratch, consider how interaction will support the learning goals in your course. By enhancing the opportunities for interaction in your online classrooms, you can take an already powerful learning opportunity to the next level for all of your students.

January 4

Academic Technologies Team Workshops today

PatioLogoAs part of the January Faculty Workshop organized by CETL, our team will be presenting on several topics.

Today at 10 am we are presenting on  Using the D2L Discussion Board, in Centennial Hall 455 Lab.

This session is followed by another  D2L Discussion themed presentation, at 11:30 am in the same computer lab. However, this session will focus more on theory and strategies behind student engagement in both online and face-to-face classes.

Again, same space, at 3:30 pm, we will present on Importing Final Grades From D2L Brightspace Into ISRS. This very useful feature will be explained in detail, and you will have the opportunity to try it out, as long as you have your course requested and set up. Also, you can access the blog post on this topic here.

Finally, on Tuesday Come Learn About a New D2L Tool: LeaP, in the Alumni Room, Atwood Memorial Center. More on this in our next post.

Happy New Year and the start of the new semester!

December 29

ATT Sessions at January Faculty Workshops

St. C_Logo-GroupJanuary 4-8, 2016 Faculty Workshops will be held on various topics concerning Student Retention and Success. Our ATT team will be holding several sessions regarding using D2L, incorporating research based and best practices to help faculty design and deliver their courses in the both teacher and student friendly way. You can view the Full Schedule here. Below are the sessions facilitated by the Academic Technology Team. All are on Monday, January 4, and will be held in Centennial Hall 455 Lab.

Concurrent Sessions A
Using the D2L Discussion Board
This is a hands-on session designed for the novice user. In this session participants will learn how to create a Discussion where you and your students can post, read, and reply to messages on different topics, share thoughts about course materials, ask questions, share files, or where students can work with peers on assignments and homework.
Best Practices will cover:
a. Setting expectations—substantive posts, appropriate tone and respectful language, due dates
b. Responding to student posts
c. Attaching a rubric. (Rubric will be provided)
d. Attaching a discussion to the gradebook.
Using D2L Discussion boards to engage students.
This is a hands on session designed for the intermediate to advance user. In this session the participants will learn how to use the discussion board to:
a. Introduce students to themselves (works for online and F2F classes)
b. How to pose a good discussion question (student- led vs. instructor led)
c. Use in a Face2Face class
d. Discussion use in a cohort to develop community.
Importing Final Grades From D2L Brightspace Into ISRS
Faculty can now import student final grades directly from D2L Brightspace into ISRS via the eServices Grade and LDA Entry interface. Attend this hands-on session and learn how to: Prepare the D2L Brightspace gradebook settings to enable import to ISRS. Use “Grade and LDA Entry” in eServices to import final grades from D2L Brightspace. This session is open to all faculty using D2L Brightspace. Before attending this session, faculty should request their class shell(s) at Prerequisites:
-Have a class shell to work in during the hands on session.
-Have a developed gradebook
September 10

D2L Q&A: How do I create private discussion topics with my students?

MnSCU D2L Brightspace Service Desk

We bring you another great tip with detailed instructions on how to start a private online discussion with individual students.

Q: How can faculty have a private online conversation with each student in a D2L Brightspace course?

A: It is possible to set up an individual discussion with each student by creating groups of one member.  It takes some time to set up, because each group and discussion needs to be renamed, but is worth it if you want to have an ongoing conversation with individual students that is stored within the course.

Detailed instructions are offered here within the MnSCU D2L Brightspace Service Desk.