Attention instructors!
Please refer your students to their D2L/Brightspace home page that will show the academic support services for them or Tutoring Services/Options.
This leads our students to the listing of all SCSU on-campus tutoring services and Smarthinking.
Smarthinking is a 24/7 online and on-demand tutoring service, available at no charge to all enrolled students (each student is assigned 15 hours per semester by default). They can use Smarthinking to schedule live tutoring appointments, participate in drop-in live sessions, ask questions, or submit writing assignments for feedback.
Students are able to access the Smarthinking website via a link on their D2L/Brightspace main page.
Finally, just below this new resource, remind them that there is a list of free self-registration offerings as well as student help documents and student overview videos for navigating D2L.
![D2L help and tutring screenshot](