Month: April 2017

Copyright Free Images

Today’s topic is on copyright free images, as our class activity for the week was to prove how our images used in the videos are copyright free and where they came from. This articles lists 5 truly copyright free images that can be for personal or commercial use. I personally struggle with copyright maybe because I do not full understand the meaning behind it or why I can not use any image that is on Google for example. I have a growing understanding currently and see its importance. I want to share this link with others to help them as well.

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Top 5 Free Websites for Quality Copyright Free Photographs

Body Shaming

This is a topic I have not touched on lately but it is a huge problem in the world of poor body image. “No matter how this manifests, it often leads to comparison and shame, and perpetuates the idea that people should be judged mainly for their physical features.” This coupled with all the images fed to people over TV, internet, etc can cause major issues in the lives of many people. Body shaming takes many forms but stems from the judgments of other based on physical appearance or lack of fitting the common mold of beauty. The problem with the “mold of beauty” is that without Photoshop or photo retouching the mold is often unattainable, which leads to ED’s and other mental health issues. Again I stress the importance of a global effort to end things like body shaming and accept people for who they are.

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Body-Shaming: What Is It & Why Do We Do It?

Photo Retouching

This article is a great read in that it touches upon major issues. How photo retouching  can be seen as a “lie” in a personal account by an online dating participant. It goes onto ask “how much is to much”, and where some women draw the line or where people are more accepting of it. 41% of women 18-24 are okay with retouching and effectively us it. The article goes into how women should be more critical of retouching and Photoshop. The evolution of retouching has gone from being done in a dark room to being accomplished on everyone smartphone. It is becoming all to common and can be dangerous because it creates false images of real people and cause people to question themselves.


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How To Tell A Good Story

This article on Forbes by Kristi Hedges is about how to tell a good story. Hedges talkes about the reasons people feel they are “not good story tellers” and how you can become one. She talked about things like keeping a log of every good story so the person has a reference. She talks about some other points that make storytelling easier. This is important for anyone who wants to be a good storyteller or just become better.

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Body image issues

This study dives deeper into body image issues of men and boys. It talks about how mean although thinness and muscularity, muscularity is the main issue. This can lead to the use of many different questionable supplements. Parents should be aware of their child’s need to change their body and make sure its done for the right reasons.

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Life After an Eating Disorder

This article goes into a personal account of life during and after an eating disorder. Goes into how her weight stayed constant until college. She started to eat and purge 4 times a week and isolated herself. Also goes into account about life in the hospital. She felt “like she was in a psych ward”. Dives a little deeper into life of supervised eating and how they tried to help with treatment. This just shows one account of how hard living with eating disorders is.

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