Author Archives: Plamen Miltenoff
Sun dog means stay warm
We have a beautiful sun dog today: a rainbow circle around the sun.
It means Minnesota is heading toward sub-zero temperatures. Stay warm, dress appropriately.
The Finland Phenomenon
Have you heard about the #FinlandPhenomenon?
In this article:
China is cited as one of the countries interested in the success of the Finish educational system. Please share your thoughts how you, as an educator, will implement the lessons learned.
what do you think?…
Differences between China and US
SCSU Mainstreet 2018
Main Street 2018
On Wednesday, September 5, 2018, St. Cloud State University held its regular Main Street event.
Did you happen to stop by our Confucius Institute table?
word from the technology world
Please share your knowledge about technological achievements in education from your country
2018 Student Teaching Experience: MN Style
亲爱的孔子学院老师们,on behalf of St. Cloud State University’s Center for International Studies and the Confucius Institute, welcome to your Minnesota teaching experience and congratulations on finishing the week of training and orientation, 辛苦了!We hope it was fruitful learning and preparation for you, while also introducing some challenges or ways to grow as you move forward and begin in the classroom.
The adventure here surely has much in store for you, as you make a positive impact in the lives of many young students as they not only learn new language and culture, but new doors in their future open and possibilities expand. It is a high calling you have embarked upon, but you are equipped to shine bright and inspire those blessed to learn from you.
We wish you all the best and look forward to processing the experience together, always here to support and encourage you to succeed.