April Fools’ Day

Today is April Fools’ Day.

Which got me thinking:

  • Where did April Fools’ Day come from?
  • How did we get to this point, of putting vaseline on doorknobs, tape on the bottom of our digital mice, etc?
  • What is the purpose of this day?

Apparently, April Fools’ Day has been around since 1700, when English pranksters starting playing practical jokes on each other.

Prior to this, the history of the day is actually unclear. Some historians think it may date back to 1582, but that is just speculation.

Throughout the 18th century, the tradition became a two-day event in Scotland where people would go on phony errands and participate in many other prank-type activities.

For more information, check out this short explanation on History.com! (All information is taken from this source.)

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