Severe Weather Awareness Week

It’s severe weather awareness week!

In honor of the week, I compiled a list of some good reads about weather! Check out some of these novels/stories!

My top book about weather isĀ Winterdance by Gary Paulsen! The book isn’t about weather, necessarily, but it does have aspects of bad weather throughout the story. It’s a nonfiction memoir about Gary’s run in the Iditarod dogsled race in Alaska. The book is filled with humor, horror, and haphazard attempts to do things right. You will find yourself laughing, crying, and everything in between! It’s not one of his common books, but it’s definitely one of his best!

One of my favorite short stories about weather is “To Build a Fire” by Jack London. The unnamed narrator discovers what true cold really means when he finds himself trying to survive the arctic cold. When the termometer reads “75 degrees below 0 (fahrenheit),” things get dangerous!

Poetry is also a great place to find stories about severe weather! Check out Emily Dickenson’s A Thunderstorm, a gripping piece of art!

The last text I’d like to cover is a song, called “The Thunder Rolls” by Garth Brooks. Sometimes, during sever weather awareness week, we just need to sit down and enjoy a good song about severe weather! I like this song particularly because of the use of instrumentation to convey the thunder! Of course, this song could also be a metaphor, but I like to think of the song as purely just a celebration of weather!

What are your favorite texts about severe weather? These are just four of my favorites, but there are so many other good ones out there!


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