Meet Our Staff: IEC Office Manager

Name: Stephanie Trottier

Job Title: Office Manager

Where are you from?

I am from a small town in northeast Wisconsin. I moved to St. Cloud in fall 2011.

Why did you move to St. Cloud?

I moved to St. Cloud to attend St. Cloud State University after high school. My undergraduate major was Global Studies, and I minored in Intercultural Communication. I am also a graduate student now at St. Cloud State. Go Huskies!

How long have you worked in the IEC?

I started working at the IEC in 2013 as a student worker during my undergrad studies. I became the office manager in 2015.

What does a typical workday look like for you at the IEC?

I assist students with applying to the program, manage our social media, help plan orientation and other activities (mostly pre-pandemic), and prepare students for the transition to their degree programs. Most of my workday is assisting students, but also helping with administrative tasks. The best part of my job is getting to know our students and learning from them!

What do you like to do when you are not working? Do you have any hobbies?

When I am not working, I spend a lot of time with my family, including our two cats and puppy. They keep me busy. I watch a lot of TV and movies, but my hobbies also include sewing and crafting.

What is your favorite thing about SCSU?

My favorite thing about SCSU is that our campus is very diverse and welcoming. We have many great support staff that are passionate about international education. I also really enjoy the cultural nights that international student organizations host each semester.

Do you have any advice for new IEC students?

My best advice for new IEC students, and other non-native English speakers, is not to be afraid to talk to native English speakers! It is a great way to learn about the local culture and practice your English skills. People here are very helpful, and want to learn from you too!

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