Social Justice ideas

I am interested in all social justice topics but I feel like my knowledge on any one is limited. Two that interest me the most are equal rights for women and the Black Lives Matters movement. I am interested in equal rights for women because I am a woman and because I have a daughter. Growing up I had no idea women were paid less and treated differently than men. My mom worked as a part-time nurse and my dad was a social worker and they never talked about money or working conditions. I know that my mom did not like her job because she worked at the hospital and since she was part-time, she worked evenings, weekends, and overnights and she thought she missed out on family events. Looking back, I didn’t think she missed anything but now that I am a mother, I can understand that I want to be there for my kids even if it is the everyday events. I think that I have always been paid less because I am a woman. I have a story about my work at the City of Sauk Rapids where I was discriminated against in regard to equal pay.

I am also interested in the Black Lives Matter movement but other than what I have learned from the news, I do not know much about it. I am interested because it is another form of discrimination people face for their entire lives, it doesn’t go away and it can affect how they live their lives, where they live and work, and the opportunities or lack of opportunities they have. I know some wonderful people of color and I feel the guilt of the system for the inequities they have had to endure. I would like to see more equity and inclusion in the government, at work, in schools, and in society. I have a few stories about the people of color that I have met throughout my life that would be interesting to share, although brief.

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