Introduction to WIFI

I remember when the terms WIFI or wireless started emerging and although I had an idea of what they meant, I did not fully understand the connection. For Christmas 2008 my husband insisted on getting me an iPod Touch. At the time I was not sure if I would use it enough to warrant the $200 price tag. At that time, it did not have a camera and I had my first smart phone, which was my only android phone. Oddly enough what really sold me on the iPod Touch was that I broke my leg in February 2009 and I was bed-ridden. I managed to keep connected and learn all about wireless. I joined Facebook in January 2009 when my daughter was a year old and between keeping in touch with family and friends throughout my broken leg ordeal, I was also able to keep every one up to date about my baby.

My husband, Paul, and I met and worked together in Germany and we had many friends who we reconnected with and I have stayed in touch with them since then. Now our youngest son is working at a similar place in Germany. Paul is British and his parents are divorced so posting updates and photos once instead of doing it two or three times via the mail or a phone call was really convenient. I was also able to do some of my work from my bed with the wireless connection. When I moved on to an iPhone that had a camera, I really thought I had it made! I no longer needed to carry around my phone, my camera, and my iPod Touch. My daughter takes all this technology for granted because it has always been around her entire life.