Baek, J. (2016). North Korea’s hidden revolution: How the information underground is transforming a closed society. New Haven ; London: Yale University Press.
the wall
the wall
Former Agent Says, ‘Border Patrol Does Good Work … But There’s Tension There’
February 6, 20184:57 AM ET STEVE INSKEEP
And so I really think, no matter what obstacle we put at the border, it’s going to be subverted. People are going to find a way up, over, under or around it.”
Eastern European Populism
How Eastern European Populism is Different
Of 15 Eastern European countries, populist parties currently hold power in seven, belong to the ruling coalition in two more, and are the main opposition force in three.
Aside from hard data, we need to consider the underlying social and political factors that have made populism so much stronger in Eastern Europe. For starters, Eastern Europe lacks the tradition of checks and balances that has long safeguarded Western democracy. Unlike PiS Chairman Jarosław Kaczyński, Poland’s de facto ruler, Trump does not ignore judicial decisions or sic the security services on the opposition.
Another major difference is that Eastern Europeans tend to hold more materialist attitudes than Westerners, who have moved beyond concerns about physical security to embrace what sociologist Ronald Inglehart calls post-materialist values. One aspect of this difference is that Eastern European societies are more vulnerable to attacks on abstract liberal institutions such as freedom of speech and judicial independence.
This shouldn’t be too surprising. After all, liberalism in Eastern Europe is a Western import. Notwithstanding the Trump and Brexit phenomena, the US and the UK have deeply embedded cultures of political and social liberalism. In Eastern Europe, civil society is not just weaker; it is also more focused on areas such as charity, religion, leisure, and politics, rather than social issues.
Another major difference between Eastern and Western European populists is that the former can count on support not only from the working class, but also from the middle class.
Italy migrants
Driver opens fire on African migrants in Italian city of Macerata
At least six people are said to have been shot in attack described as racially motivated
Thousands protest against Racism and Xenophobia in Macerata
Mass Graves Of Myanmar Rohingya
AP Investigation Details Shocking Massacre, Mass Graves Of Myanmar Rohingya
February 1, 2018 2:17 AM ET SCOTT NEUMAN
The lengthy report by the AP’s Foster Klug relied on interviews with more than two dozen refugees who managed to escape from soldiers and flee to neighboring Bangladesh at the start of a brutal military crackdown on the Rohingya in August.
The AP uncovered evidence of at least five mass graves at one location, Gu Dar Pyin, that bolster charges leveled by the U.S. and United Nations of ethnic cleansing in the country’s northern Rakhine state.
The Kiss in Syria
Gustav Klimt’s “The Kiss” has been reproduced on a devastated building in Syria by artist Tammam Azzam.
RIP Mark Smith
Mark E Smith on music, politics and refugees
Mark E. Smith, the irascible frontman of Manchester post-punk band The Fall, has died at the age of 60.