Is Communism genocidal

Why is Communism not genocidal

Защо комунизмът не е геноцид – част 1

Отговорът на този въпрос е отрицателен. Дори и най-пристрастният съдия-противник на комунизма не би посмял да каже, че престъплението ГУЛАГ отговаря на дефиницията за геноцида. По ирония на съдбата ние дължим това положение на самите създатели на ГУЛАГ – тъкмо те са тези, които навремето префасонират черновата на Конвенцията на геноцида и с това отменят възможността политическите престъпления да могат да се квалифицират като геноцид. От самото влизане в сила на тази конвенция преди повече от половин век геноцидът е престъпление, което може да бъде етническо, религиозно, расово или национално, но не и политическо.

The response to this question is negative. Even the most ardent judge/adversary of Communism cannot say that GULAG fits into the definition of genocide. Strangely, the situation is brought up by the mere creators of GULAG – they are the ones, who redraft the Genocide Convention ( and deprive political crimes to qualify as genocide. From the inception of the Convention more then half a century ago, genocide is considered a crime of ethnic, religious, racial or national, but not political character.


St. Cloud and immigration

Anti-Muslim, Anti-Somali sentiments in St. Cloud area

North Korea and China

China building network of refugee camps along border with North Korea

Document suggests at least five camps are being set up as Beijing prepares for possible influx of refugees should Kim Jong-un’s regime collapse

China is quietly building a network of refugee camps along its 880-mile (1,416km) border with North Korea as it braces for the human exodus that a conflict or the potentially messy collapse of Kim Jong-un’s regime might unleash.

The China Mobile document, which has circulated on social media and overseas Chinese websites since last week, reveals plans for at least five refugee camps in Jilin province.

The New York Times reportedthat centres for refugees were also planned in the cities of Tumen and Hunchun.

The question was purged from the foreign ministry’s official transcript of the briefing, as regularly happens with topics raised by foreign journalists that are considered politically sensitive or inconvenient.

The leaked document contains the name and telephone number of a China Mobile employee who drafted it but calls to that number went unanswered on Tuesday.

reconciliation on the Balkans

Serbia’s Brand of Reconciliation: Embracing Old War Criminals

MATTHEW BRUNWASSER datetime=”2017-11-24T14:53:57-05:00″>NOV. 23, 2017

Observers also note the return of the political language of the 1990s by some senior Serbian government officials as they attack dissenters as traitors, spies and enemies.

The European Union warned against letting a war criminal give a lecture to the academy, but the general received high praise from the defense minister, Mr. Vulin, a former close political ally of Mr. Milosevic’s widow, Mirjana Markovic.

The public support for a war criminal appalled human rights activists and Western officials.

The American ambassador to Serbia, Kyle Scott, posted on Twitter in Serbian: “Unfortunately, months of work on improving Serbia’s image in the U.S. can be undermined with just one statement.”

Russian propaganda had influenced how the Serbian government portrays the difficult democratic reforms required by the bloc: they are cast as “pressure” from Brussels, enabling Serbian politicians to present resistance as patriotism.

Central European Forum 2017

Central European Forum 2017 / Programme


November 5, 2017

A Lesson in Defiance with Lyudmila Ulitskaya 

The celebrated Russian writer will discuss civil courage and civil reality in present-day Russia. The programme will include a reading from her novel Jacob’s Ladder, recently published in Ján Štrasser’s Slovak translation.

Party of Love

The power of negative emotions in politics cannot be countered by ridding it of emotions altogether. Forced ideologies combined with cynicism destroy politics. Where should we seek solutions?

Slavenka Drakulić (Zagreb) – Max Harris (Auckland/ Oxford) – Ivan Krastev (Sofia) – Tomáš Sedláček (Prague)

Evil, framed

SLAVENKA DRAKULIĆ 21 November 2017

this same photo was selected, by Time magazine and an international team of curators, to be among the 100 most influential photographs of all time.

Photo: Ron Haviv

Ron Haviv’s photo is a picture of war, any war. All the ingredients are here. But also of a civil war, of people who lived too close to each other not to kill one another with emotions.