How to Prepare D2L Brightspace Grade Book for Importing Grades into ISRS from eServices
How to Prepare D2L Brightspace Grade Book for Importing Grades into ISRS from eServices
As of July 23, 2015, faculty have the option of importing final grades from D2L Brightspace into ISRS via the eServices Grade and LDA Entry interface. 1st) Prepare the D2L gradebook settings to enable import to ISRS, and 2nd), use eServices Grade and LDA Entry to import final grades.
Please see this entry at the D2L Brightspace service desk page for full information: https://d2l.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1619/session/L3RpbWUvMTQ1MTk0MTkyMS9zaWQvQnZqOXhJRm0%3D
Email d2l@stcloudstate.edu with questions!