April 26

Brightspace Minnesota Connection Follow-up

Photo credit: www.brightspace.com

Photo credit: www.brightspace.com

As promised, we are giving the highlights from the Brightspace Minnesota Connection conference two weeks ago.  You can find the links to presentations, photos, and videos from various breakout sessions here. Topics varied from D2L Brightspace tools and pedagogical applications, to flipped classrooms, widgets, accessibility, and many more! Enjoy!

April 19

Minnesota eLearning Summit 2016

Image credit: https://cceevents.umn.edu/minnesota-elearning-summit

This year, Minnesota Learning Commons (a partnership of Minnesota Department of Education, MnSCU, and the University of Minnesota) organize another conference July 27−28 at the Minneapolis Community and Technical College. The purpose is to provide a gathering place for presenters and exhibitors focused on technology in education. You can find a detailed description here.

Although it is early for the full schedule of concurrent sessions and exhibitors, you can read about the keynote speakers and last year’s presentations.

Great news for all MnSCU employees is that the registration fee is $61.25 (you must be an active MnSCU employee, with an MnSCU e-mail account, to receive this registration rate.)

This is a great opportunity for collaboration, networking, and sharing ideas on best practices in teaching and learning in online, blended, and face-to-face courses. Also, for anyone who would love to learn more there is a wide variety of sessions on elearning tools, resources, and best practices. A very convenient location and price for any faculty from any department. We hope to see you there! 🙂

April 14

Brightspace Minnesota Connection

Brightspace_logo_Stacked_RGB_300x275Previously known as Ignite, D2L Brighstpace connection to Minnesota organizes an event tomorrow. Here is the full schedule. Among award nominated librarians from SCSU (you can read our post on library widgets here), SCSU representatives will hold two presentation sessions as well: Faculty Migration From Text-Based To Media-Rich Content: Crowdsourcing The Meaningful Application Of LMS (Brightspace) Quizzes, by Plamen Miltenoff and Marion Judish and Be Widget-Wise: Fast-Track Your Students to Academic Information by Melissa Prescott and Cindy Gruwell .

Great topics are going to be discussed throughout the day, from captioning and accessibility to rubrics, discussions, and release conditions in D2L, etc.

We will report on our key takeaways from this conference next week.

April 12

STAR Symposium Presentations and Handouts

STAR Symposium photo credit to: https://mnqm.files.wordpress.com/2015/10/logo2.png

The STAR Symposium, sponsored by the Minnesota Online Quality Initiative and the first completely online conference in MN, is behind us. However, we can always look at the handouts and presentations in search of some best practices. Presenters at the conference focused on pedagogical approaches to face-to-face, online, and blended learning delivery. You can access the presentations and handouts here.