January 20

SIG Learning Spaces and Instructional Technology Casual Conversations

SIG Learning Spaces and Instructional Technology Casual Conversations

Do all your best ideas always come when you are drinking coffee? Then come join MnSCU instructional designers and other professional development staff for Casual Conversations where we help you problem-solve through collaboration and creativity! 1st and 3rd Friday of every month @ 8am.

No preparation required! Just come and share your best ideas of what you are doing on your campus for your faculty and staff with good instructional design and technology practices.

Starting February 5th at 8am, the Learning Spaces and Instructional Technology SIG will host a new series of virtual meetings the first and third Friday of every month.  During the first meeting, they will discuss and select future meeting topics – they want your input! Join them Friday, February 5th at 8am in their Zoom Room:  MOQI Casual Conversation meetings




January 14

Library Widgets for D2L Brightspace


Our dear librarians have developed beautiful widgets that you can just add to your course page on D2L. It is very easy to find it: on the library homepage, under Find a Research Guide> By Subject/Topic choose Widgets for D2L Brightspace from the drop down list. You can see it on the screenshot below:

Library homepage Find a Research GuideThen, they give you a wide range of samples to choose from, depending on the course you teach. Further there are several documents that further explain how to add a widget you choose, and the embedded codes for specific widgets. The widgets give direct access to databases.

Library Widgets examplesYou can access the step by step description of how to add a widget to your D2L course here.

Big thanks to Cindy Gruwell and Melissa Prescott for developing this and making it available for our faculty and students.

December 29

ATT Sessions at January Faculty Workshops

St. C_Logo-GroupJanuary 4-8, 2016 Faculty Workshops will be held on various topics concerning Student Retention and Success. Our ATT team will be holding several sessions regarding using D2L, incorporating research based and best practices to help faculty design and deliver their courses in the both teacher and student friendly way. You can view the Full Schedule here. Below are the sessions facilitated by the Academic Technology Team. All are on Monday, January 4, and will be held in Centennial Hall 455 Lab.

Concurrent Sessions A
Using the D2L Discussion Board
This is a hands-on session designed for the novice user. In this session participants will learn how to create a Discussion where you and your students can post, read, and reply to messages on different topics, share thoughts about course materials, ask questions, share files, or where students can work with peers on assignments and homework.
Best Practices will cover:
a. Setting expectations—substantive posts, appropriate tone and respectful language, due dates
b. Responding to student posts
c. Attaching a rubric. (Rubric will be provided)
d. Attaching a discussion to the gradebook.
Using D2L Discussion boards to engage students.
This is a hands on session designed for the intermediate to advance user. In this session the participants will learn how to use the discussion board to:
a. Introduce students to themselves (works for online and F2F classes)
b. How to pose a good discussion question (student- led vs. instructor led)
c. Use in a Face2Face class
d. Discussion use in a cohort to develop community.
Importing Final Grades From D2L Brightspace Into ISRS
Faculty can now import student final grades directly from D2L Brightspace into ISRS via the eServices Grade and LDA Entry interface. Attend this hands-on session and learn how to: Prepare the D2L Brightspace gradebook settings to enable import to ISRS. Use “Grade and LDA Entry” in eServices to import final grades from D2L Brightspace. This session is open to all faculty using D2L Brightspace. Before attending this session, faculty should request their class shell(s) at http://huskynet.stcloudstate.edu/instructional/d2l. Prerequisites:
-Have a class shell to work in during the hands on session.
-Have a developed gradebook
December 10

Quality Matters Course Review Process FAQ

QM logoMinnesota has a statewide subscription to the internationally recognized quality assurance process Quality Matters. What is more, MOQI (Minnesota Online Quality Initiative) has put every effort to promote and help with this process throughout the MnSCU system.

This process is completely voluntary, yet we like to show how it can benefit both face-to-face and online  classes. Even if you do not want your course reviewed, just getting familiar with the QM rubric or having an internal review could benefit you. In this video, you can hear the answers to most frequently asked questions about the course review process from a MSU Mankato faculty member.

More stories can be found on the MOQI webpage here.


December 9

MOQI Presents a Virtual Conference – STAR Symposium

STAR Symposium photo credit to: https://mnqm.files.wordpress.com/2015/10/logo2.png





Minnesota Online Quality Initiative (MOQI) will promote best teaching practices through an all day virtual conference open to all higher education faculty and staff. They are inviting faculty and staff to share their strategies in course design and delivery, student engagement, technology integration, their assessment practices. The MOQI organization focuses on promoting quality course design in all Minnesota post-secondary institutions.
Please consider their call for proposals for the symposium, where you can showcase your innovative, brightest pedagogical practices.

Hurry in because the proposals are accepted until December 22, 2015.

On February 19, 2016 from 8:30 am to 4 pm, join the virtual conference from your computer or a mobile device. There will be 25 or 50 minutes sessions.
The cost to attend all day sessions will be $50, or $25 if you are a presenter.

To learn more and register, click here.

November 23

MOQI Webinars for the end of the year

Image credit: minnesota.qualitymatters.org

Image credit: minnesota.qualitymatters.org

Minnesota Online Quality Initiative continue with their series of webinars. The upcoming professional development series focus on Quality Matters standards, as well as the interventions for stereotype threats. You can register here for the final four webinars of this year.

Good news is that the group is almost done with their Spring schedule, so we are looking forward to learning more and bringing these to our St. Cloud State faculty.

A big thanks to the MOQI group for providing free, short, and relevant professional development sessions.

November 2

SCSU represented at the QM 7th Annual Conference

QM logoRoseann Wolak,  a member of our Academic Technologies Team, is presenting today in San Antonio, TX on the implementation and transition from a face-to-face to fully online program in Nursing, at St. Cloud State University.

SCSU Online and our team has been helping the Nursing department on a weekly basis to introduce online courses that meet the quality standards set by the QM Rubric. Roseann is representing St. Cloud State University at a major conference, describing the steps and challenges of this transition. Her presentation “From the Ground Up: RN to BSN Completion” can be found here.

In last week’s post,  I have announced that the presentation materials from the Quality Matters 7th Annual conference are available. Now, take a look at Roseann’s as she is presenting today.

We hope to help many more departments at our university with quality assurance and online courses/programs transitions.


October 26

Quality Matters 7th Annual Conference – presentation materials

QM logoThe online education quality assurance organization Quality Matters is holding their 7th Annual Conference.  In case people who are interested cannot make it to San Antonio on November 1 through 4, they presented several options. There are presentation materials available on the website and they offer a few free webcasts (follow the links for specific information).

Meanwhile, I will be preparing more posts on what Quality Matters offers to our institution, so that all faculty interested in Quality Matters can get quick facts on our blog.

October 6

Building Community in an Online Course

Woit_081002_223Thursday, October 8 is Fall break for our students. However, Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning at SCSU organizes the Faculty Workshop Day. This year’s sessions are on student retention and success. Among many excellent presentations that will discuss this year’s topic, online and distance education are certainly a setting to be taken into account.

A member of our Academic Technologies Team, Roseann Wolak, will be holding a session on  Effective Online Teaching – Creating a Sense of Community from 2:15-3:30 pm in Voyageurs North, AMC:

“Sense of Community Theory is based on the work of Seymour Sarason (1974).  Sarason’s research explored community identity and social bonding.  In the online environment, where students are physically separated from one another, the strength of the learning community depends on the extent to which students feel like insiders rather than outsiders.
Faculty play a key role in designing an online learning environment which fosters interactivity, connectedness, and meaningful learning.  This hands-on session will cover instructional design that gets students interacting with one another:  student led discussions, peer review, collaborative research projects, and group presentations.”

Until then, here is an article in the Chronicle of Higher Education that focuses specifically on building community in an online class by doing student video presentations.