July 25

Bloom’s Taxonomy Periodic Table

Global Digital Citizen Foundation Team has created a neat resource for chemistry and Bloom taxonomy fans. 🙂 I find it appealing and easy to use.

Download the Bloom’s Taxonomy Periodic Table of Activities.

Use your new free Bloom’s Taxonomy Periodic Table for:

  • Understanding Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy
  • Developing skills at each taxonomy level
  • Exploring useful Bloom’s activities with your learners
  • Performing quick formative assessments
  • Effective lesson enhancements
  • Expanding your Bloom’s vocabulary
June 12

Choosing the Right Amount of Resources

Emily Berry,  in eLearningLearning reported on a study that shows how people, when presented with more options end up being more discontent with their choice. Psychologically, it seems, when people are presented with more choice they are less likely to choose or be satisfied with their choice.

In teaching, especially online, instructors should be careful when presenting their learners with choices, filling students’ screens with too many features or links. It is better to choose simple, clear actions and instructions ahead of time, so that students do not lose time on figuring out the interface or browsing through many links. Reducing our students’ cognitive load by choosing the right resource for them will improve their learning.

She concludes: “In this fast-paced world, people want bite-sized learning, instantly accessible information which helps them in the ‘now’. Higher numbers and complexity of choices will only take us longer to make decisions and as decision time increases, the user experience suffers.”

Three students sitting with one looking at his lap top





October 24

The Write Place Resources

The Write Place at St. Cloud State has updated their resources website. Now it is easily found and easy to navigate.

I would recommend including the link to the Resources page on your D2L course website. Having your own “Helpful Resources” module in a D2L Brigthspace course or including helpful links in your “Start Here/Welcome/Course Information” module provides everything in one place for your students, which gives them more course time and reduces the number of questions/emails you would get as an instructor.


And don’t forget our Library Widgets!

October 18

Recorded SIG Webinars

The Minnesota Online Quality Initiative team has updated their list of video resources from the past webinars hosted by the Special Interest Group.

You will find the recording link along with the presenter and webinar description. This is a great opportunity in case you have missed a live webinar but are still interested in the topic. Here are some of the archived recordings:

  • Self-Assessment of Discussions
  • Ten Steps Closer to an Accessible Course
  • Time-Saving Tips for Stressed Out Instructors
  • Just-in-Time Teaching

Just click on the link provided above and choose the title of your interest. Majority of the recordings are about 45 minutes long.

Don’t forget, there is also a Google drive folder with various resources (in Word, PDF, or PPT).

Finally, you can always register for the upcoming webinars here.

Image credit: minnesota.qualitymatters.org

SIG Learning Spaces and Instructional Technology

August 19

D2L Brightspace Video Help Library

Attention instructors!

A quick way to find really short and concise videos on any feature of your D2L Brightspace course can be found here.

If you are interested in a specific feature, you can quickly search (e.g. discussions, dropbox, calendar, assessment, quizzes, chat, classlist, etc.).

Also, when you log in to your D2L, in the right upper corner you will have a box named “Instructor Help” which has the link as well.

D2L Instructor Help: Video Help Library

D2L Instructor Help, searchable videos

August 11

MOQI/MnSCU SIG Webinar Resources Now Available!!!

Image credit: minnesota.qualitymatters.org

Image credit: minnesota.qualitymatters.org

In a post last month, we advertised the ongoing series of free webinars sponsored by Minnesota Online Quality Initiative and The MnSCU Special Interest Group (SIG): Learning Spaces & Instructional Technologies in association with D2L Brightspace Webinars. Check our calendar at the bottom of the A.T.T.N! homepage for upcoming events.  Also, you can now access support materials on MOQI’s resource page, including the SIG webinar presentations and handouts.

July 21

Learning to Teach Online

Photo credit: https://itunes.apple.com/us/itunes-u/learning-to-teach-online

Photo credit: https://itunes.apple.com/us/itunes-u/learning-to-teach-online

By Paul Keyworth

LTTO (Learning to Teach Online) is “a free professional development resource designed to help teachers from any discipline, whether experienced in online teaching or not, to gain a working understanding of successful online teaching pedagogies that they can apply in their own unique teaching situations” (COFA.online Gateway, 2015). Currently, I am participating in a MOOC of the same name via Coursera, which is still accessible if you are interested. It is also available freely through iTunes.

Award Winning Resources

The project is the work of COFA Online, part of the College of Fine Arts at the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney, Australia, and is supported by the Australian Learning and Teaching Council Ltd. Co-creators, Simon McIntyre and Karin Watson from UNSW, have won the following awards for LTTO:

2012 MERLOT Award for Exemplary Online Learning 
Resources – MERLOT Classics (USA) 
Faculty Development Editorial Board Award - 
Learning to Teach Online 
McIntyre, S., Watson, K.
2011 Ascilite Innovation and Excellence Award
Exemplary and research informed use of technologies 
for teaching and learning in tertiary education - 
Learning to Teach Online
McIntyre, S., Watson, K.

Learning to Teach Online Episodes

So far, I have discovered a wealth of resources and pedagogical information relating to implementing and evaluating OERs (Open Educational Resources) and institutionally-supported technologies. In particular, you may find these LTTO Episodes to be a valuable resource as you plan your online or blended courses. The instructional videos are compiled into three categories: Context, Planning and Teaching,” “Case Studies,” and “Technical Glossary (COFA.online Gateway, 2015).


Learning to teach online. (2015). Retrieved from http://online.cofa.unsw.edu.au/