This summer, St. Cloud State University’s College of Science & Engineering has sent two SCSU students, Ali Almanasif and Peter Ojambo, to India. The students are completing an internship at JK Lakshmi Cement Company. The internships were arranged through the JKLU-SCSU Internship Exchange program, a partnership between SCSU and a university in India. The partnership creates internship abroad opportunities for students from both institutions. We are tracking the students’ progress here on the COSE International Programs blog. Check back periodically to hear more about their experiences abroad.
Peter’s Experience in India, Journal Entry 2:
Our first week in India gave us a lot of opportunities to explore and have fun. Because our trip to India was not for a vacation, we left Jaipur and traveled to Sirohi to begin our internship. It took us seven hours to reach our destination. When we arrived, it was already late and the majority of the people were in bed sleeping. Still experiencing minor symptoms of jet lag, due to the 12.5 hour time difference, we did not waste a minute staying up and hit the sack for some much needed rest.
Day one of our internship began with introductions to the heads of the engineering departments – a very exciting moment for us all. We met a lot of people and continued to meet more people throughout the week, giving us a chance to get used to the working relationships. Luckily for us, we were given the rest of the day off to get ourselves familiarized with our new home for the next month.
Of the engineers we met, Mathur stood out the most. He was part of the mechanical engineering department and would be responsible for our training. Mathur took the time to teach us about JK Lakshmi Cement as well the process of how things worked in the plant. We learned about the crusher and took tours of the plant with Mathur pointing out important features. This allowed us to get an even better mechanical perspective of the plant and of the machine during its shutdown maintenance. All in all, it was a great realization of why we had come to India. This is going to be a very informative and constructive learning experience and I’m very excited to start.