a possibility for instructors to manage media files outside of D2L: Kaltura’s Media Space.

MnSCU is working on a system for media management available at this stage specifically for faculty:

From: Lesley Blicker [mailto:Lesley.Blicker@so.mnscu.edu]
Sent: Monday, August 19, 2013 4:44 PM
To: Desire2Learn Campus Trainers
Cc: Todd Digby
Subject: Recording of MediaSpace (Kaltura) Update – from Friday, Aug 16

Here is the recording from the session Todd Digby facilitated last Friday. https://mnscu.webex.com/mnscu/lsr.php?AT=pb&SP=MC&rID=36606512&rKey=a145adbfd4947762

It’s the update of the Media Management System project, using Kaltura’s Media Space. The first 21 minutes (approx.) are of Todd showing how Media Space works, including how to upload caption files (if you have one), and just about everything there is to do in terms of uploading, recording, and managing files.

Starting at 21:50, Todd provides an update in the project status including when all faculty could expect to have access to MediaSpace. Thereafter, he addresses several questions from those in attendance.

If you want to see the questions that were asked, be sure to open the Chat window by clicking on the red box with the Chat bubble in the upper right hand corner of the screen.





1 Comment on a possibility for instructors to manage media files outside of D2L: Kaltura’s Media Space.

  1. zliu
    August 22, 2013 at 10:35 pm (12 years ago)

    How do I get in contact with Todd? Very interested in what this media space can do.


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