Posts Tagged ‘NFTs’

Metaverse and capitalism

The Metaverse as the new frontier of capitalism

Baudrillard’s work from1981, Simulacra and Simulation
Geyh, Leebron, F., & Levy, A. (1998). Postmodern American fiction : a Norton anthology (First edition.). W.W. Norton & Company.

money and gaming are only the first of being completely pushed into a new all encompassing ‘reality’ of its own.

2021 also popularized the Non Fungible Tokens (NFTs) — private property transferred to virtual reality. If on a first level a photo or film keep certain relation to the real, a NFT is a second level of dematerialization of our world and perceived ‘reality’. It simulates, in a virtual world (per se already a simulacrum), the simulacrum of an image/photo/video — and, as if magically, it acquires ‘value’ and it is deemed proprietary.

The future decade’s pressures are more and more on the deterioration of what is left of the real world — climate change, pandemics, automation of work, decreasing populations (first in the West, then in the rest of the world), and scarce resources. The work that produces material things were/are the first to be automated — first in agriculture, then manufacturing and now finally services. In such a decadent material world, continuous growth would not be possible anymore — but with virtual ones

There is never enough data.
super fast internet (5G), increasing data centers, quantum computing, health trackers on human bodies, machine-brain interfaces, internet of things… The goal is for the AI to know how to reproduce material things in a virtual setting.

The COVID-19 pandemic probably accelerated this ‘metaversing’ of reality in many years.

more on metaverse in this iMS blog