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misconceptions VR training

7 Myths and Misconceptions About VR Training

1. VR Training Is Expensive, Especially At Scale

2. VR Training Requires A Lot Of Space

3. VR Training Is Distracting And Counterproductive

4. VR Training Is Unhygienic

5. VR Training Sessions Are Very Long

6. All VR Training Makes Users Sick

7. VR Training Isn’t Here To Stay

more on VR training in this IMS blog

train firing in VR

Your Boss Might Be Practicing Firing You In VR

Talespin, a workplace training company specializing in VR, released a bizarre workplace simulator wherein you are tasked with firing virtual workers in order to teach you leadership skills and emotional intelligence.

more on immersive in this IMS blog

VR Training in Building Muscle Memory

Role of VR Training in Building Muscle Memory among Healthcare Professionals

Virtual reality clinical skills training helps in muscle memory building by:

Learning by performing – In a VR environment, learners get the opportunity to learn skills by performing tasks and it is a well-proven fact that the best way to retain knowledge is practical application.
Practicing multiple times – Virtual environments offer multiple practice sessions as there is no need for repeatedly setting up of equipment. Learners can practice as many numbers of times they desire to, so much so that the particular skill becomes a habit.
Identifying and correcting errors – Performing tasks multiple times also helps learners identify their mistakes and correct them. They can revisit procedures, eliminate errors and perform the correct steps repeatedly to get it perfect and make it habitual.
Training in controlled environments – Every case in the field is a new case and can be critical. To get that confidence to perform effectively on the job learners can gain the expertise by practicing in controlled virtual environments.
Guided training sessions to learn – Rich with prompts and feedbacks, guided VR training sessions hand-hold learners through the procedure helping them get acquainted, experienced and skilled to perform individually.
Assessment sessions test performance without prompts – 

VR and Senior Wellness

Virtual reality technology making an impact on seniors [Promoting Senior Wellness]

Virtual reality has proven to provide successful social and physical benefits to those 65 and older.

Physical movement is essential as we age, and different virtual reality programs encourage older adults to play fun and safe games that allow us to move our legs, arms, feet and hands.

Other research is showing that virtual reality can even ease the nerves when it comes to touring other retirement facilities. Some virtual reality programs are designed for mom and dad to tour a facility in the comfort of their own home before possibly seeing it in person.

more on seniors in this IMS blog

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