3 cyber bills passed in the House
The House is passing 3 bills:
The House passed the Cybersecurity Enhancement Act, which mandates strategic guidance for federal cybersecurity research and development. To establish that guidance, the bill calls for input from public and private stakeholders, and strengthens security automation standards and checklists for federal systems.
How this will impact education and academia? What input can SCSU contribute with?…
FISMA – Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Information_Security_Management_Act_of_2002
CISPA- Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyber_Intelligence_Sharing_and_Protection_Act
Plamen Miltenoff
April 19, 2013 at 12:24 pm (12 years ago)Oppose Cispa if you value any privacy in our digital world