
  1. A Librarian’s Guide to Makerspaces: 16 Resources
    Clustered in co-operative workshops called “makerspaces” or “hack(er)spaces,” makers build physical stuff.

    1. From Stacks to Hacks: Makerspaces and LibraryBox
      Space for Creation, Not Just Consumption
    2. Making Things in Academic Libraries
      essentially it’s a place for folks to make things, perhaps writing and illustrating a zine, using the open source Arduino computing platform to program a robot, screenprinting, or creating model houses with a 3D printer. Makerspaces often include tools and equipment that are too expensive or specialized for most people to have in their homes, as well as provide a gathering place for like-minded hobbyists to create and collaborate.”
      “Kids gather to make Lego robots; teens create digital music, movies, and games with computers and mixers; and students engineer new projects while adults create prototypes for small business products with laser cutters and 3D printers. Many libraries across the US have developed makerspaces—places to create, build, and craft—and they are experiencing increased visits and demand as a result. For public libraries, they are places to promote community engagement. For academic libraries, they are places where students and faculty feel welcome to do classwork and research.”
  2. There is a lot on Pinterest on MakerSpaces for Public Libs, but not much for Academic libraries.
  3. Lib school at Madison had a course on how to do it
  4. Policies, agreement form, reservation form:
  5. Budgeting

5 Comments on Makerspaces

  1. Plamen Miltenoff
    August 11, 2014 at 6:12 pm (11 years ago)

    From: Ewing, M Keith
    Sent: Monday, August 11, 2014 11:35 AM
    To: LRS Faculty
    Subject: Makerspaces in libraries resources

    Apropos a recent Dean’s Council document in which the dean proposes creating a “makerspace” for LRS, there’s this from John Burke (Miami U)—


    From: Burke, John []
    Sent: Sunday, August 10, 2014 9:48 PM
    To: Burke, John J.
    Subject: [lita-l] Makerspaces in libraries resources

    ** Apologies for cross-posting **

    I wanted to once again thank everyone who responded to my library makerspaces survey last November (see a summary of the results).

    From those responses and my other research, I put together a page of Makerspace Resources that offer links to makerspace sites, listservs, project sites, product links, and collections of planning resources. I hope you will find this information useful if you are starting or continuing to build a makerspace.

    You might also be interested in the book that resulted from the survey and my research: Makerspaces: A Practical Introduction for Librarians (just available this August). More information on the book is available on the Rowman and Littlefield Publishers site.

    Again, thank you to all!


    John J. Burke, MSLS
    Library Director & Principal Librarian
    Gardner-Harvey Library
    Miami University Middletown

    Text your questions to 513-273-5360

  2. Plamen Miltenoff
    August 11, 2014 at 6:12 pm (11 years ago)

    From: Wexelbaum, Rachel S.
    Sent: Monday, August 11, 2014 11:51 AM
    To: Ewing, M Keith; LRS Faculty
    Subject: RE: Makerspaces in libraries resources

    In light of makerspaces, hackerspaces, women, and STEM, Hacker School has some guidelines to promote safe space for women and minorities in makerspaces and informal learning environments/conferences where diverse groups learn about STEM…you can read their user’s manual here:


  3. Plamen Miltenoff
    April 20, 2015 at 1:53 pm (10 years ago)

    From: [] On Behalf Of Ewing, M Keith
    Sent: Monday, April 20, 2015 8:28 AM
    Subject: [LRS_l] maker spaces

    It is quite common to read about “maker spaces” or “fab labs,” arising from hacker and DIY movements, being created in libraries on college campuses. Too often, such spaces are limited to a computer lab (for programming, gaming, and 3D modeling) equipped with 3D printers. An article in today’s Chronicle of Higher Education describes the type of maker space that I’ve thought about for a while, but they’re expensive to create, staff, and maintain. The article focuses on maker spaces at Case Western Reserve, Nebraska-Lincoln, Arizona State. Successful maker spaces are often centered in or strongly aligned with an engineering program.

    Carlson, Scott (2015) “The ‘Maker Movement’ Goes to College.” Available online at

    For those who haven’t read it, Terry Eagleton’s essay, “The Slow Deathof the University,” is also well worth reading.


    Keith Ewing
    Professor, Library Systems & Digital Projects


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