social media and higher ed

for download:

presentations available here:

[PDF] Podcasting for Higher Education Slides

[PDF] Podcasting Guide (Includes starter gear list and costs)

more on social media in this IMS blog

1 Comment on social media and higher ed

  1. vegita
    March 20, 2024 at 12:10 pm (11 months ago)

    I found this article to be quite insightful, as it highlights the importance of social media in higher education today. It’s fascinating to see how platforms like Facebook and Twitter are being used not only for communication but also for teaching and learning purposes. The examples provided really showcase the potential benefits of integrating social media into academic settings. However, I do agree that there are concerns about privacy and security that need to be addressed. Overall, I think embracing social media can greatly enhance the college experience while still maintaining a safe environment for students and faculty alike. Great post! New Jersey District Court Protective Order


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