detect plagiarism

Do we need to pay for services such as Turnitin?
Are there comparable services for free?
Do we need services such as those ones or we rather have faculty and students educated on plagiarism and faculty trained to detect plagiarism?
Is it supposed to be a “mechanical” process or educational activity?

These questions following a posting of today from the Educause Blended and Online Learning Group

Are any of you using a non-Turnitin plagiarism checker that you’re happy with (besides Google or Grammarly’s free service)?
Jenn Stevens (she, her, hers)
Director, Instructional Technology Group
403C Walker Building
Emerson College | 120 Boylston St | Boston, MA 02116
(617) 824-3093

At Ursinus, we use PlagScan, which is affordable and meets our needs.

We haven’t been able to get it to fully integrate within our LMS yet but hopefully we will be able to soon.

Christine Iannicelli
Instructional Technology Librarian
Library and IT
Library 124
Phone: 610-409-3466

more on TurnitIn in this IMS blog

more on alternatives and Grammarly

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