online vs. in-person learning

The online vs. in-person learning debate is missing the point

We need to prioritize student outcomes over modality, says a higher ed industry executive.

“Students miss opportunities for enriched and flexible learning opportunities when they are confined to a binary learning modality. I envision a future where we retire the idea of online vs. classroom learning, replacing these dueling models with a unified format that prioritizes outcomes. Instead of approaching education from a “this or that” approach, we’d serve students much better with a “this and that” approach.”
My note: That higher ed industry executive seems oblivious about the #hyflex discussions

Even before COVID-19, in-person learning was being challenged by innovation.

Finally, no matter which hybrid approach schools take to learning, they need to work with businesses to align curriculum to in-demand job skills. It doesn’t matter how perfectly designed a course or program is if it doesn’t provide outcomes that ultimately enable employment opportunities.

more on online learning in this IMS blog
more on F2F learning in this IMS blog

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