essay mills

Cheating Companies Hacked Websites at MIT, Stanford, Columbia And More Than 100 Other Schools–and-more-than-100-other-schools/

Jim Ridolfo at the University of Kentucky and William Hart-Davidson at Michigan State University have found that more than 100 websites of American colleges have been hacked or otherwise compromised by essay mills, the contract cheating providers that improperly sell academic work to students.

“If you Google something like essay help and Stanford,” Ridolfo said, “you’ll get school content injected by essay mills or find pages that redirect you to their services.”

block the SQL injections and to set regular scans for additional paper mill intrusions.

hese intrusions were from just 14 known cheating providers when there are probably hundreds of them.

this pattern of hacking legitimate university property to sell cheating services could get much more complex and much more dangerous.

Since cheating is a billion-dollar, global dark market, it’s not surprising. It’s just awful. And schools should move quickly to address it, not just with patches, but with policy and policing.

more on plagiarism in this IMS blog

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