Digital Native Means Digitally Literate?

Think Digital Native Means Digitally Literate? Think Again.

By Nadia Tamez-Robledo     Oct 21, 2021

students do have digital skills, but not necessarily the digital literacy they need to do their schoolwork.

There’s a difference in the way students use a device to scroll through YouTube videos versus understanding the information delivered in a lesson. The first is passive, and the other requires careful engagement.

n the International Literacy Association’s “What’s Hot in Literacy” report published in 2020, 49 percent of literacy professionals said they wanted more professional development on “using digital resources to support literacy instruction.” That surprised the researchers, who also reported that professionals were split over whether digital literacy was receiving the appropriate amount of attention: 26 percent felt it deserved less attention, while 25 percent felt it should get more.

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