Google Glass issues

Help – my glass can’t start – Explorers Community

I just received the glass yesterday.  After fully charge the glass and turn it on, it displays the “Glass” logo then keeps on “main stopped unexpectedly” -> “voice stopped unexpectedly” -> “camera stopped unexpectedly”.  What’s wrong with it? The seller told me it is a common problem. (boot looop?)  After a hard-reset, it still does not function.

call 1-800-Glass-XE for support

Device 2

Last Activity: May 1, 2014, 7:11:43 AM
Registered: Apr 30, 2014, 9:11:17 AM
Software Version: XE16.11
Serial: LGCCC140574672
Wi-Fi MAC Address: f8:8f:ca:26:16:83
Talked to 1-800-Glass-XE. The issue is because the OS (XE16.11) is not updated. In order to to push the updates, GG needs to be reconnected to Wi-Fi. Easiest way is if GG “remembers” previous settings. In this case, any phone or tablet that GG has been connected before will do. Battery must be  charged at least 50% (at least an hour).
GG can take the updated also directly from Wifi, but the SCSU WiFi does NOT take devices like Google Glass yet.
If updates cannot be pushed to Google Glass, then the “owner” of the device has to talk to Google for replacement.

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