Posts Tagged ‘Differentiated Instruction strategies’

Differentiated Instruction strategies

4 ways to implement Differentiated Instruction strategies in the classroom

differentiated instruction and assessment, also known as differentiated learning, is the framework you need to reach students through different avenues of learning.

integrating scaffolding strategies

1. Create a differentiated learning environment – The first differentiation technique changes up the physical layout of the classroom. Organize your classroom into flexible workstations.

2. Prepare thoughtful lessons backed by data – Before you even begin teaching each lesson, you should examine past assessments, collected data, work samples and student observations to identify specific instructional strengths for each student.

3. Tailor assignments based on students’ learning goals – Using differentiation strategies to shake up the end product that students turn in for assignments can also help you reach different learners. Some students are visual learners, while others may be auditory learners or readers. My Note: this has been rejected: see learning styles:

4. Adjust your lesson content based on student needs –  The most apparent way of differentiating the learning process is to change the type of content you use in your lessons.