Posts Tagged ‘Greenspan’

Bernard Stiegler

Bernard Stiegler: 1952-2020
Stiegler discovered philosophy in prison for robbery and was mentored by Derrida. His 3-volume Technics and Time, evoking Heidegger’s Being and Time, takes up the grammatological rather than deconstructive path taken by Derrida in the 1970s. Stiegler’s research on intergenerational care, phamakology, and algorithmic governance continue with his colleagues at the IRI in Paris and around the world. I first met Bernard when he visited Madison in 2015, and I gave him a tour of DesignLab. At the suggestion of collaborator Ana Vujanovic, we reached out to him and were collaborating on a lecture performance over the past year or so. I had tickets and hotel reserved to Paris when COVID struck. Disappointed, we Zoomed and discussed how to proceed and possible workshops, still being pursued with IRI. He passed away last summer, due to cancer. In this 2-hour interview with Zero Books, Stiegler discusses Marx and Greenspan on the proletarianization of intellect achieved by IT, his rejection of defunding the police, and COVID and the positions taken to it by Zizek and Agamben. Throughout the interview, Bernard’s patient passion and clarity of thought shine through. “Making a Mouk” is a short, accessible text;…/Bernard_Stiegler_Making_a…