Posts Tagged ‘leadership competencies’

library leadership

Library Leadership Your Way

core issues

  • discovering why you want to lead;
  • research findings on the five most desirable traits in library leaders;
  • wrestling with the constraints of organizational culture;
  • a tour of practical leadership models such as Theory Z, Situational Leadership, Transformational Leadership, and emotional intelligence;
  • how to develop habits that will bolster your confidence through inevitable moments of doubt;
  • cultivating a “people first, mission always” mentality;
  • self-care for leaders; and
  • living out your unique leadership vision through goal setting, self-evaluation, and other key steps.

leadership competencies

12 Critical Competencies For Leadership in the Future

1. Develop an Adaptive Mindset

2. Have a Vision

3. Embrace Abundance Mindset

4. Weave Ecosystems for Human Engagement

5. Anticipate and Create Change

6. Self-Awareness

7. Be an Agile Learner

8. Network and Collaborate

9. Relentlessly Focus on Customer

10. Develop People

11. Design for the Future

12. Constantly Clarify and Communicate

Critical Competencies For Leadership in the Future