Posts Tagged ‘photos’

Use Behavioral Triggers to Spur Social Media Actions and Use Photos to Boost Social Chatter

How to Use Behavioral Triggers to Spur Social Media Actions

Our brains are hardwired to base decisions on emotion and familiarity.

#1: Set the Tone with Facial Cues
#2: Help Your Fans “Feel” the Experience
#3: Use Memories to Connect
#4: Promise (and Deliver) Something New

Use Photos to Boost Social Chatter

It only takes a simple request and most people are happy to take and share pictures while in your store or at your event—especially if you give them a fun way to do it.

You can increase your return on these social shares by highlighting your social profile URLs, handle and hashtag in high-traffic areas and asking people to tag you in their updates.

#1: Encourage Unexpected Activities
#2: Give Customers Props
use art installations, themed cardboard cutouts or decorated spaces with props (e.g., hats, mustaches, capes and other accessories) and encourage people to take pictures.
#3: Use Fads in Your Favor
#4: Highlight Customers’ Best Photos

When you ask people to share pictures, give them a fun way to do it and encourage them to tag you