U of St. Thomas HyFlex model of course delivery
From: EDUCAUSE Listserv <BLEND-ONLINE@LISTSERV.EDUCAUSE.EDU> on behalf of “Kinsella, John R.” <jrkinsella@STTHOMAS.EDU>
Date: Thursday, November 15, 2018 at 11:43 AM
Subject: Re: [BLEND-ONLINE] Flexible Training/Learning Incubation Spaces
We launched our group, STELAR (St. Thomas E-Learning and Research), almost 2 years ago. Part of that launch included a physical space that offers: Innovative individual and collaborative group study spaces for students, consultation spaces for faculty and our staff, meeting spaces, a Technology Showcase providing access to leading edge technology for faculty and students (VR/AR, AI, ML,) an Active Learning classroom space used for training and for faculty to experiment, and a video recording space for faculty to create course video objects using a Lightboard, touch Panel computer or just talking to the camera.
We’ve seen exceptional usage among our students for this space, likely in part because we partnered with our library to include our space along with the other learning resources for students in our main library. We have had numerous faculty not only experiment with but then integrate VR/AR and other leading edge technologies in their classes and research projects. Our classroom is busy consistently for training, class sessions, meetings, etc. and our learning spaces see student use throughout the day and into the evening. In short, our physical space has become an essential and highly visible part of the work we do around providing opportunities, expertise, and technology for the innovation of teaching and learning (Our tagline: … at the intersection of Pedagogy and Technology)
The reception has been so positive that our space has been used as a model for some new student-focus collaboration spaces around campus.
We have a good deal of information about STELAR as a team on our website: https://www.stthomas.edu/stelar/
It does include some information about our physical space but we’ve also pared that down since our launch. I’d be happy to connect you with our team if you’d like to learn more about what we’ve done here, where we’ve seen success and ideas that didn’t pan out as we expected.
John Kinsella
Instructional Systems Consultant
ITS – STELAR: St. Thomas E-Learning and Research
(651) 962-7839
24/7 Canvas Support: 1.877.704.2127 or Help button in Canvas course.
Other tech needs contact:Techdesk@stthomas.edu
Digital Learning Essentials: Students/faculty self-enroll here
More: Blog, Online Showcase, Trainings & Events, & Online Teaching Certificate