Posts Tagged ‘Stockholm’

2015 IFLA International News Media Conference

Transformation of the Online News Media: Implications for Preservation and Access

Dates & location: 15-16 April 2015 – The National Library of Sweden, Stockholm, Sweden

Conference web site:

Registration 6 February – 27 March:

News media material published online is an important first draft of history as the printed newspaper and broadcast news has been and still is. The digital transformation of news multiplies the usage and current online news media constantly develop new channels and modes of communication, redefine the roles of all stakeholders and transform the news in an infinite process.

The IFLA 2015 International News Media Conference 15-16 April 2015 has as its focus the transformation aspects of born digital news media and the implications for long term archiving and access, including issues of e-legal deposit of online news media and long term access to and preservation of news databases, web harvesting of online news media and user experiences with born digital news media collections.

Registration fee is 95 Euros and includes Evening reception 14 April, Light lunches 15-16 April and Dinner 15 April. The detailed programme will be posted on the conference web site and will include speakers from all over the world and tours of the library.

Organizers of the conference are IFLA News Media (Newspapers) Section.

( and IFLA Audiovisual and Multimedia Section ( The conference is hosted by the National Library of Sweden, Stockholm Sweden.

The day before and in conjunction with the conference, April 14, the Center for Research Libraries (Chicago, USA; will hold an International Newspaper Archiving and Digitization Summit with major actors in the newspaper digitization community to consider a strategic, cooperative approach to future digitization efforts of the world’s legacy news collections.)

For further information about the conference, please contact: Pär Nilsson (email:, ph: +46 10 709 34 04) Karl Isaksson (email:, ph: +46 10 709 36 34)