Posts Tagged ‘UX User Experience Design’

ID, UX and LXD

ID, UX and LXD: Differences and Similarities Explained

LXD Learning Experience Design
UX User Experience Design
ID Instructional Design

Niels Floor‘s highly informative articles on

Instructional Design focuses on instruction, User Experience Design focuses on the user, and Learning Experience Design focuses on the learner. This is not to say that IDs don’t care about learners, or that UX designers do not work on educational products, or that LXDs spend no time thinking about instruction or users. The difference lies in who these designers orient their process towards the most – instruction, user, learner.

history of ID at Instruction Design Central.

more about the origins of UX in this article in Career Foundary by Emily Stevens or this brief intro to HCI in Interaction Design Foundation by John Carroll. If you’re curious, learn about what Don Norman thinks of UX today.

ID as a field tends to be more scientific and organized, following academic frameworks

UX tends to be both scientific and artistic in its approach. UX designers are informed by academic theories and frameworks, but are also flexible and artistic in finding engaging, intuitive solutions to usability issues.

LXD tends to be more artistic than scientific. While LX designers care about the learning process deeply though understanding of related learning theories and cognitive processes of learners, their primary focus is on designing visually stunning, useful, and engaging learning experiences.

IDs are typically working on products such as Courses, e-learning modules, curriculum, workshops. UX designers are typically working on products such as mobile apps, websites, digital games, software. LXDs are typically working on all these things – courses, apps, AND other forms of learning experiences which could take the form of museum exhibits, summer camps, AR interactive booklets, children’s books, movies, toys and games or any other medium that can be used to generate a learning experience.

software tools are just like paintbrushes, they don’t make an artist. Some popular paintbrushes for IDs are Adobe Captivate, Articulate Storyline, Brainshark. For UX designers some popular tools are Adobe XD, Sketch, Figma, Balsamiq. For LXDs everything Adobe Creative Cloud has to offer – and many other ID/UX tools as well (depending on what the experience design needs) come in handy.

For IDs, one of the popular frameworks is ADDIE: Analyze, Design, Development, Implement, Evaluation

For UX designers, a popular framework quoted often is Design Thinking: Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, Test

For LXDs, Neils floor outlines this LXD process: Question, Research, Design, Build, Test, Improve, Launch

more on ID instructional design in this IMS blog