Posts Tagged ‘responsivness’

best campuses with social media

Facebook, Twitter Engagement Done Best at Baylor and UW-Madison

By Dian Schaffhauser 04/11/16

Want to know how to do Twitter or Facebook right at your institution? You might want to study the practices used by the University of Wisconsin-Madison for the first and Baylor University for the second. Those two institutions have been deemed the “top users” of the those social media sites by Engagement Labs, which develops technology for measuring online social engagement.

Using its eValue Analytics service, the company said it can measure social media performance based on an aggregate of engagement, impact and responsiveness.

My note: let me repeat: engagement, impact and responsiveness. Whereas the environment where I am at is using Facebook as “easy to create” Web 1.0 page; namely to “announce.”
And recently, mimicking what other libraries are doing (NYPB), although even novices know that social media is about “branding,” AKA finding your own voice. Measurement being “how many people “follow.” Which three years ago was proved as futile.
And most most recently, since stumbling like blind man in the darkness of new ideas, they dropped everything on a student to “resolve” innovations for them.
No wonder that I am ostracized from the social media process, since I repeatedly insist that Web 2.0 is NOT about broadcasting but about dialog and insisted from the beginning to do start activities, which are a circle in a squared thinking.