twitter audience
categories: social media, Twitter
6 Steps to Finding Your Twitter Audience
smart tools, six steps…
1. Target keywords in Twitter bios. Say you’re promoting an app for a half-marathon in Chicago. With the help of a few tools you can quickly create lists of your targets.
- Social Bro: Those with a subscription can search all Twitter bios by keyword (runner) and location (Chicago), name and url to find the active profiles that fit your needs. Additionally, you can organize your search results into Twitter lists.
- FollowerWonk: With this free tool you can search profiles by keyword, name, location and url. The results can be exported to xls or csv.
- Twitter‘s “people search” feature: Any user has access to this recently launched feature, however, searches are limited to keywords.

2. Find active users and influencers.
3. Find those who use a particular hashtag.
4. Organize your results.
5. Don’t forget your tweeps.
6. Interact and monitor.