infographics for geography students
M W F at 9am in SH 303. My class is GEOG 361: Tourism Transportation. Instructor Stacey Olson
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* why do I need to know this: it is a trending quick and effective way to visualize numbers (stats)
* what is my assignment: create a MEANINGFUL infographic
* how I will be evaluated: assess the infographic and your strategy to make it public
– why infographics matter. Why is it more then just another alternative to PowerPoint
– what is an infographic: a portmanteau of information + graphic
– what are the cloud-based tools: Pictochart, Easilly and Infogram
– why are stats so important for infographics
– where are the stats to be found for the infographics
– how much stats and math needs one to know, to create a meaningful infographic
– how can infographics be promoted effectively, inexpensively and quickly
Plamen Miltenoff
November 22, 2015 at 4:55 pm (9 years ago)PowerPoint lets you have “templates for infographics:”
now, why would I do that? Infographics were invented to finally break that sad marriage between educators and PPT
Louis Mullins
August 9, 2022 at 10:29 am (3 years ago)Great Post! Thank you for sharing this good information and resource about infographics for geography students. Actually, I am a third-year student of geography. Basically, I have taken my academic assignment support from this https://assignmentbro.com/us/geography-assignment-help website where they provide top-notch assignment services that can help students improve their academic grades. So I hope this post will be useful to do my academic geography assignment as well.
January 22, 2025 at 12:50 pm (1 month ago)Nice work! Thank you for sharing such valuable information and resources on infographics for geography students. I am actually a third-year geography student, and I’ve been getting academic assignment support from https://www.expertsmind.com/management/strategic-management-homework-assignment-help.aspx, where they provide excellent assignment services to help students improve their grades. I believe this post will also be helpful for completing my academic geography assignments.