D2L Version 10.3 upgrade, testing for the upgrade, and D2L tools

D2L Update

This update will include information on D2L Version 10.3 upgrade, testing for the upgrade, and D2L tools.

D2L will be upgraded to version 10.3 (includes version 10.2 as well) on May 30 beginning at 10 p.m.  The upgrade will provide the following benefits:

·        Quiz and Survey edit/create screens re-organized with new layout

·        Discussion tool revamped with new navigation to improve flow

·        Content tool will be the central/starting point of activity for teacher and learner

·        Content navigation improvements for viewing progress

·        A full listing of improvements can be viewed at community.desire2learn.com


You can review all of the planned changes in this upgrade by viewing D2L’s “Learning Environment 10.3 Features Guide” at available at the D2L Community Site. In order to do so, you need a user account to get access to D2L’s documentation. To login or create an account please visit:  https://community.desire2learn.com/login/.
Select the Enrollment link to create a new account.

Once you are successfully logged into D2L’s Community Site, select the “Documentation” link on the top navigation bar to access the Desire2Learn 10.3 Resource Center. (snapshot desirable here)
You can also find the Version 10.2 Features Guide by selecting “Archives in LOR”, then Learning Suite 10.2. (snapshot desirable here)

There will be a D2L version 10.3 testing period available for faculty before the May 30th upgrade, which will start towards the end of April.  Additional information will be send out regarding how to participate in this testing period.

Below are two documents on  the current tools, features, or permissions available in D2L, or additional third party tools which can be integrated with D2L. Please review the two documents below.

Questions can be referred to D2L@stcloudstate.edu

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