Posts Tagged ‘image collage’

30 Little-Known Features of the Social Media Sites

30 Little-Known Features of the Social Media Sites You Use Every Day

5 Little-Known Facebook Features

1. Save links to read for later

2. Follow rather than friend

3. Manage Your “Posts to Page”

4. Reorder your page sections

5. Fast advanced stats for any page post

Assorted useful features

Receive email from your Facebook email address.

Download everything you’ve ever done on Facebook.

Check your “other” messages.

Pin a post to the top of your page.

Feature your page owners and liked pages.

Secret emoji. Here are fun tips for Facebook secret emoji.

  • (y) = thumbs-up ‘like’ symbol
  • (^^^) = a great white shark
  • :|] = a robot
  • :poop: = well, you know
  • <(“) = a penguin
  • :Putnam: = the head of former Facebook engineer, Chris Putnam who left the company in 2010

5 Little-Known Twitter Features

1. Create a collection of tweets

2. Tag people in your photos

3. Create a Twitter photo collage

4. Manage Twitter via SMS

  • D [username] + message – sends that person a Direct Message that goes to their device, and saves in their web archive.
  • SET LOCATION [place name] – updates the location field in your profile. Example: set location San Francisco
  • GET [username] – retrieves the latest Twitter update posted by that person. You can also use g [username] to get a user’s latest Tweet. Examples: get goldman or g goldman.
  • FOLLOW [username]: allows you to start following a specific user, as well as receive SMS notifications. Example:FOLLOW jerry

5. Mute Feature

5 Little-Known Google+ Features

1. Run a poll in G+

2. Save posts to empty circles for future reference

3. Share your circles with others

4. Create a photo slideshow that links to your avatar

When someone clicks on your profile picture from your profile page, they’ll see an entire photo album of pictures. You can control what appears in this photo album.

In the Photos menu, scroll or search for the Profile Photos collection. Then add, edit, and arrange the photos in this set.

5. Use a GIF as your profile pic or cover photo

This one’s super simple: Just upload it!

5 Little-Known LinkedIn Features

1. Download a list of your connections

2. Display media files on your profile

3. Message someone you’re not connected with

4. Save a job search

5. Create a tickler file with LinkedIn Relationship notes

5 Little-Known Pinterest Features

1. Set up a secret board

2. Rearrange the order of your boards

3. View all the latest pins from your website (or others)

4. Customize your cover images

5. Pin with a friend

5 Little-Known Instagram Features

1. Where to view Instagram photos online

2. Save an image

3. Add a border to your image

4. How to make a collage

5. How to repost an Instagram photo


Which of these little-known features did you know already? 

Which of your favorite hidden gems would you like to share?