Asynchronous Virtual Field Experiences with 360 Video
categories: AR, distance learning, distributive learning, educational technology, instructional technology, VR
Zolfaghari, M., Austin, C. K., Kosko, K. W., & Ferdig, R. E. (2020). Creating Asynchronous Virtual Field Experiences with 360 Video. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 28(2), 315–320.
The global COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted normal face-to-face classes across institutions. This has significantly impacted methods courses where preservice teachers (PSTs) practice pedagogy in the field (e.g., in the PreK-12 classroom). In this paper, we describe efforts to adapt an assignment originally situated in a face-to-face school placement into a virtual version. By utilizing multi-perspective 360 video, preliminary results suggest virtual field experiences can provide PSTs with similar experiences for observation-based assignments. Acknowledging that immersive virtual experiences are not a complete replacement for face-to-face field-based experiences, we suggest virtual field assignments can be a useful supplement or a viable alternative during a time of pandemic.
Klippel, A., Zhao, J., Oprean, D., Wallgrün, J. O., & Chang, J. (2019). Research Framework for Immersive Virtual Field Trips (p. 1617).
Klippel, A., Zhao, J., Sajjadi, P., Wallgrun, J. O., Bagher, M. M., & Oprean, D. (2020). Immersive Place-based Learning – An Extended Research Framework. 2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW), 449–454.
more on Video 360 in this IMS blog
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